Chapter 38

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"You are coming with us? Why didn't you say that when I asked you throughout the day?" I asked Ryan as he got into the back seat of his car, which he let me borrow. And in reply he just shrugged. What? Riley just punched his arm. Thank you, Riley!

"Ow. You guys did not think that I would let all of you go alone when Vincent will be going to the party? Did you really not think that I was already going when I did not reply?"

"Umm usually Ryan people say something like 'yeah I'm already going' or some words. No. You just looked at me. And then when I asked you your plans for tonight you ran to your room. And I do not know yet how to read minds. So, I am gonna say again why didn't you say you were coming with us? Also, Vincent really? That's your excuse!" I said pissed off at Ryan. He just shrugged again. What the hell? "By the way What the fuck are you wearing Ryan?"

"I am that guy from the show I told you about, where the guy laid on the road. The vampire. Yes, I am vampire." Ryan nodded his head, as if he just figured out his character.

"Umm simple question dude if you are a vampire where the hell are your fangs?"

"Here. There are here. Nobody can see them all the time in the show. So, I am not going to wear them all the time. I have eye makeup as well. See." He handed me his fang and something, which was very creepy looking. Guess that's his eye makeup.

"Please wear you fang. Otherwise you look like an idiot in a leather jacket."

"He does not look like an idiot Abbie. He almost kinda looks hot." Whoa! What Riley? I look at Riley as my eyes widened. Ryan's did the same. Did she just call Ryan hot? Whoa! It's going to be an interesting night.

As I was driving the car, I keep remembering the events of this evening before getting in the car as well few other thoughts fly into my head. After I decided to tell everyone or ask for their help tomorrow regarding Krystal, I got up to get ready. Krystal didn't want anyone's help at first then reluctantly she accepted Ade's help. Riley, I think Jane helped her and I dressed myself. Mine is the simplest one out of the three. Well except my cape. I am dressed as Supergirl. With the 'S' standing boldly on my chest. I feel like tonight I am honoring 'Hope' the symbol represents as well as Supergirl a bit more than I usually or ever honor. Krystal is dressed as a fairy princess. Well she is my fairy princess and that is why I kind of persuaded her to wear it. She agreed once she saw the wings for the costume. She had such a bright smile on her face when she realized her costume has wings. It was too cute and a very precious moment.

Riley dressed as Catwoman. Her tail is a little difficult to fit in the car. And Ryan is in black jeans and black leather jacket with a plain white t-shirt. He is carrying his fangs in his pocket. When Ade and Jane asked me to take Riley along with us, I asked Ryan to come with us, he did not reply. So, I asked for his car, which he graciously gave me the keys for. So, when he suddenly jumped into his car, it made me question his silence and also freaked me out a little.

Vincent. That guy. Gosh I hate that guy. It was only one time I encountered him hitting Riley, but I know that it was not just a one-time thing. And even now whenever he sees Riley alone, he talks to her, but not as a friend. He either threatens her, or me or hurts her. Not punches or slaps, more like hurting her wrists or arms. It pisses me off that Riley still lets him get to her. She still believes what he says. If he says I am going to hurt her, she believes. And last time I heard he said something like I am not even her friend, I never was. I apparently was using her to get to him. Gosh! Narcissistic much. Ryan gets pissed off now more than ever. As when me and Riley were not talking, I heard Riley talk to Ryan. And I also heard Riley saying that Vincent cornered her, hence Ryan must know what that asshole Vincent said to Riley recently. He just cannot fathom that Riley would actually not talk to him, or prance around him. I mean I am sure Riley never did prance around him but in my angry mind I see him as that, a guy who made Riley his puppet.

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