Chapter 39

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It was Ryan's fake fangs. Ryan's fake teeth were on my shoulder, the only part left exposed from my costume and now Sasha sunk those fake plastic thingies' there. Why? I turned to her and glared at her. Showing her my anger, trying to communicate how much it made me angry when she put those things in my shoulder. Also, how the hell does she have that? Wasn't Ryan wearing them when we entered the party. EW!!!!

"SASHA." I shouted at that realization. She just laughed before passing me a chicken wing. Wait what? Pizza at a party I have had, heard of too. Chicken wings! Seriously! They are messy. And just like I thought they are messy she produced a napkin for me as well. She passed one to Krystal as well. Okay but can she tell me what purpose those disgusting fake teeth on my being pressed to my shoulder served?

"Here Sparrow. I know you guys have not eaten a single thing yet because god knows where you were. And I do not even want to ask. Just saying eat them and do not complain. There is more food here as well. Seeing as we are literally standing in the Kitchen." Krystal smiled at her before thanking her as usual by stuttering. But it was not as bad as it usually is. We ate standing side by side on the opposite side of where Ryan and Riley were standing. Thereby making me see them easily. Riley was glaring at me, and eyeing Krystal...suspiciously! Hmm new development! And Ryan. Well he seemed preoccupied with literally drooling over Riley, who is oblivious of the boy's action and reaction towards her. Could she be more oblivious! Also, this act of hers is getting to me. I am beginning to think Riley is not that oblivious, she just acts like that to pretend things to go away. Or maybe I am wrong. I am not sure which one I should hope to be true for Ryan's sake. I do not want him to get hurt.

We ate and afterwards spent the rest if the party in the Kitchen only. It was our spot. After a while probably an hour or so a girl joined us. A girl older than....Well most of us. She might be of Ryan's age. She went directly towards Tony and hugged him, and Drew and finally Ryan. Well, well, well look who is Mr. popular today! Ryan instantly turned towards Riley to check her reaction. But Riley is looking at me not glaring anymore but looking with a strange expression. What is up with this girl? I need my best friend back, not this shooting daggers towards me one.

"Well look who is here at our cave. Welcome back Ry. How have you been?" This girl addressed Ryan. They seem to know each other as a shock of recognition flashed Ryan's face.

"I have been good Aud. Where's Autty? I have not seen her yet tonight."

"So, you miss her and not me. Not fair Ry." While they talked and I looked at them, very curious myself. As he knows them and is yet to introduce me. Also, who are these people and how does Ryan know them?

"Who said I was missing her? You do remember you were my best friend, right? I am only asking cause you two were joined at the hip all the time last time I saw you guys."

"Yeah well it's been what almost 5 years now. Things changed Ry. Autty is different and so am I. You know that's what happens when you go into hiding for 5 fucking years and then suddenly resurface at my baby bro's Halloween party. What the fuck Ry? What the actual fuck? I called you, texted you. You just didn't bother. I bet you didn't think we would be here tonight, right?" This Aud person seems to be getting very angry at Ryan.

"It's not like that Aud. You knew how difficult it was for me then. You knew everything. And I just.... I just needed a little time. Then when I was almost myself again, you were in college. Drew were in college too. And you guys were not coming here like you used to. What was I supposed to do? Just sit back. Also, I started working. Then I got busy and I kept myself busy. Yes, I should have texted, but I didn't. But you didn't either after the first week. Why didn't you? Aud I thought you would. Out of everyone I really thought you would." Ryan looked very hurt by this Aud woman, whoever this is. My defenses flared up seeing Ryan this hurt. Krystal almost instantly pulled my hand a little. She knew. How does she do that? How did she know this time? I looked at her mystified. This girl...... I have no words for her. She has my heart already; she can have my soul too. I feel like I can be myself around her, and she will accept me and guide me to be better no matter what. But it also hurts me a little seeing her tonight knowing what I am planning to do tomorrow. I am sure it will hurt her; I just hope she can forgive me afterwards.

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