Chapter 4

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"Abigail!" I scrunched my brows together. No one calls me that. I am Abbie. Or Hail (I pretend this was the spelling of my other nickname) according to my dad when he was super angry with me, which started happening soon after I started going to high school. I was getting tired of being his prisoner, so I did what I thought was best. I acted out. Wait I have not replied to this woman. I am sure she is my mother even if she denies it.

"Well I am Abbie. No one calls me that."

"OH MY GOD. YOU ARE HERE. YOU ARE ACTUALLY HERE." She shouted at the top of her voice before engulfing me in bear hug tightly. Wow. Where was this hug for all these years? Where was she if she missed me? Why didn't she try to contact me?

"Abigail I am sorry Abbie. I missed you so much. I never thought I would be able to see you ever again much less hold you. You are so big. You You are real and you are here. I cannot..." She hugged me more tightly before showering me with kisses.

"Whoa lady. Hold you horses. What do you mean you missed me? How could you miss me when you never even contacted me? What did you think I would forget you left me? You left me to rot with him. Why?"

"What are you talking about Abbie? I sent you letters almost every month. I did not leave you. No, he threw me out. He packed my things and threw me out. Where was I supposed to go so, I came here? I went back again to get to talk to you. I tried to contact your school. That is when I learned you guys moved. And I had no idea where you were. I tried to ask people, around. No one knew. I tried to contact through police even well that landed me into trouble. But I still sent you letters via his office. I only knew that address. But I am not surprised he never gave you the letters. Well come in. Let's talk inside."

"Sure. Whatever you say Adeline."

"Why did you say my name like that?"

"What do you mean? Is that not you name woman?"

"Yes, it is. But the way you said it sounded like it is a foreign word. Like you are uttering that word for the first time."

"Well not the first time but like fourth or fifth time if that helps lady."

"What? Why? What am I missing something?"

"Well other than your fucking daughter no I do not suppose you are missing anything lady."

"I get you are angry."

"Angry. No, no, no, anger does not even begin to cover what I am feeling right now. I am pissed beyond measure. By the way nice house lady. Looks like you did well after all."

"Why do you keep calling me lady?"

"Because you are a lady. A strange yet familiar looking lady."

"Okay. So, I see you get your anger from him."

"I do not want anything from that monster. Well his money. I suppose that does not hurt. Now does it?"

"Monster? What did he do?"

"Like you care? You waked as soon as things got a little tough. And didn't look back. Was city life that bad that you forgot me even?"

"I did not forget you. What are you talking about? What do you mean by that? City life? What are you even talking about?"

"Well dad said you left cause you could not handle city life anymore. Like it was too much for you so one day you packed and left. And you thought I would have a better life with him, so you left me. Why did you leave me? Why did you think I would be happy with that monster?"

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