Chapter 34

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We won the game on Friday. It was a good game. Kelly scored 2 of the winning goals. The other team was good no doubt about it, but they were not able to cope with us that's for sure. Although I did not score any goals out of our 6-1 win. I did assist in 4 of them. There was an odd thing that happened on the field during the game today. After like 15 minutes into the game, I was surrounded by at least 3 of their players. And they gave me no chance to get the ball. So, the only chance I had I passed it to either Kelly or Sasha or anyone else. Our goalkeeper did good as well. She saved a few of their goals thus making them fall behind. They did their best but.... It was a fun game to play though. I am sure it was fun to watch as well. The fight continued till the second it was called time. Even if our score was way up, they continued to get the ball and try to goal. Plus, it was super-hot today making it really difficult to play with the sweat accumulating on the forehead within seconds of wiping it away.

Today only Jane stayed to watch the whole game. Ade was called back at half time and Ryan had to work. Although he came during the last 15 minutes. Krystal was again perched at the front row more like at the small wall that separated the field and the sitting area. Riley was nowhere to be seen. This was the first time she missed one of my games. After the game I met up with Krystal and I did something I normally never do. I took her hand and led her towards where Jane and Ryan were seated. She was scared I could tell from her hand shaking which was in my grip. But she did not pull it back. I took that as a sign. I introduced her to Ryan, who even though has seen her at homecoming but have not been introduced, gave her a big famous Ryan smile. He wanted to hug her, and she just hid behind me, that was cute. Jane smiled at that too, and Ryan pouted. But they invited her back and to my utter shock and surprise she agreed. I was so shocked that I just kept staring at her till she pulled my hand which was holding hers rather forcibly making me wake up.

We were supposed to go have celebratory Pizza afterwards, but Sasha came and said she cannot go, then Kelly said the same as well. That gave me the perfect opportunity to cancel as well and take Krystal back home with me. It was really awesome how the whole thing fell into place. The one thing that bugged me was that Riley was nowhere. I mean she is my friend even though we still have not talked, I assumed she would be at the game. I was also thinking we could talk after the game. I guess she is either busy now or avoiding me just not to witness me avoiding her. Krystal rode with me on the bike, gripping my shirt as tightly as possible. Then at a red light I took her hands and placed them on my waist. I felt her tense up at that, but then the light turned green, so I drove. At first, I felt her hesitating holding me, then as I sped up a little, she gripped my waist tightly and leaned her head on my back. The gesture brought a big smile on my face. Thank you, Jane. Ridding just became so much more fun!

When I stopped Krystal remain seated even after I parked, I think now that she is really here that it dawned on her. She kept her helmet on. I took her hand and pulled a little. She just bent her head a little sideways and looked at me through the helmet's gap. No words, nothing. Just staring at me, more like looking in my eyes and seeing if she can read my mind and my soul. The intensity of her stare made a shiver run down my spine. That's new. I never felt this before, and she has stared at me like this countless number of times. Whoa! What just happened? She did get off but now just stood beside me on the porch. I saw Jane and Ryan come up. Jane asking us to come in, which made Krystal grip my hand tightly. I looked at her. I knew this was making her uncomfortable, but she was still doing it. I was hoping she was not doing it just because she thinks I want it. I mean I do but I do not want her to be uncomfortable. And her mannerisms are worrying me to say the least. Gone are her words, gone is her smile, only intense stare towards me and gripping my arm, or shirt like her life depended on it.

"Hey Krystal, you know that if you are uncomfortable, we can go right?" No response, she just looked at me again cocking her head to a side. I smiled at her and she just looked.... Well around me. She looked at the porch swing, which was once my bed for a night. Then she wandered around the porch, all the while pulling my hand. Never letting go of the death grip she had on it. I am glad she took off her helmet though and was not peeping through it. She had her helmet on till a few seconds ago when she finally decided to explore the porch. Strangest thing was she took it off and put it on the swing, placing it so gently as if it is made of cotton and will break if touched normally. She continued her exploration for a while and then she stepped in the house but stopped as soon as she placed her feet through the door. I kept on looking at her odd behavior, which is not that odd to be honest. This is her; I mean she does the most weirdest things almost all the time. But this freezing at a spot is a first. I stopped pulling her hand when I noticed she is not moving and looked at her to see, she is not even blinking. What the hell? This is scaring me now.

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