Chapter 46

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School was anything but normal. Krystal continued to avoid me. I tried my best not to let it get to me. Riley did approach me but then walked away before speaking. I was given detention for a week. I was not suspended on the account of my performance both academically throughout the year and on the soccer field. And that also ruled out any suspension from game I was going to face from Coach. Sasha was really happy about it. Only she would be happy! I mean detention is bad. But according to her my performance on the game before Thanksgiving was mind blowing not to give extra credit for. And guess what my whole team stood by me so that they do not suspend me or bench me. That made me happy.

When Wednesday rolled around Riley finally talked to me. Nothing major just simple stuff. She asked me how I was, how was my break. I replied, tried to sound normal. But I know I sounded anything but. Sasha was with me all the time. Lunch I played alone or with Sasha. For some reason I could not eat. I just could not keep the food down especially when in school. I chalked it up to the fact that I can see Krystal but not talk to her. Because I can eat when I am at home. We have two more matches before we are to prepare for our finals.

The end of the first week after Thanksgiving break was here. And I was excited. Mostly because of the match we have that afternoon. Me and Sasha practiced a lot whenever we could, with my detention it was a little bit difficult. But Sasha and Kelly said that after our Thanksgiving friendly match we have to be better in all the matches. I couldn't agree more. Even though that was my way to take out my anger it did make our team strong. So, I decided to try to get angry.

If anyone would have asked me before I would have said being angry sucks. But after Friday's match I take it back. It changed my opinion. Apparently, I play well when I am angry. I did share this tidbit of information with my team and they did not believe me. Well I do not blame them. But after half time when we were 4-5 with the other team leading. They all tried my tactic.

Guess what it worked. It worked so well. We were flying. All of us. There was no catching us or taking the ball away from us. None of us fouled we played fair and a clean game. And we won. We won nicely. We scored in the second half so much.

The final score was 11-7.

They were a really good team. And it was really fun to play with them. I am sure as audience it was the most fun, they had all season. Goals were flying almost every other minute. And surprisingly the other team played a clean game as well. After the game, we all went for celebratory pizza. It became a tradition around here nowadays. It was previously as well, only difference being there were a combination of win and loss till last season. Not anymore. We have not lost a single match this season. And I am eyeing for the championship trophy. We have just one more match before our exams and our winter break. During break Sasha asked all of us to meet and practice. Most of us agreed, seeing as some of my teammates are travelling. Me, Sasha and Kelly might be practicing a lot seeing as we do it anyways and we are the only one not leaving the state.

Next week was the same as the last. Krystal was still avoiding me; Riley was being a polite formal bitch. It was pathetic of me how I lost my best friend and Krystal at the same time. But I tried my level best not to let it get to me. Vincent kept his distance. And I was always with Sasha and Tony. Tony is in the Football team, and his jock friends were all friendly with me. That made Vincent back off completely. Well good!

Many people talked to Krystal, and she talked to them too. Teachers noticed the difference as well. Jane said she heard that the teachers are happy with Krystal. She is a good student and now that she is talking, she is participating in class as well. Well good. I am happy for her. Ade said she heard that Kate filed the paperwork for Krystal's adoption before Thanksgiving and they will get to know by the end of this week. I am happy for her. Really am. Just wish we can talk after she is adopted.

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