Chapter 42

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A/N- Warning. 

I am not going to spoil it here. But there will be another warning just before.


Riley and I both stood up to follow Krystal. But she was way faster than us. Plus, I am sure both of our minds were still reeling from the information overload thereby slowing us down. When we reached the porch and looked out Krystal has already vanished. She was nowhere in sight. We came in and Ade told me to go look for her around the whole town taking my bike that way it would be faster and we can cover the whole town faster, Riley wanted to go with me as well. I did not deny her, also I am not so sure Krystal even wants to see me right now. So, we took my bike and Ryan went as well in his car. While Ade, Jane and Kate remained home waiting for her, if Krystal shows up. I know she won't. But I also know Kate needs time. Plus, she needs to figure out what to do when we find Krystal.

We looked around my house first going to every nook and corner we can find. Finally, we ended up at the light house. I had a feeling she is not here. But Riley insisted we check it. So, we did. Then we went to Riley's house to check, not sure why. Krystal does not even know that is Riley's house. So obviously she won't go there. There we found Vincent. Well he chose a wrong day. But the best thing happened then. Before I went off on him, Riley did. She shouted at him, making him step back. And when he lifted his hand, Riley stopped his hand and pushed him back. Obviously, I was by her side and was already ready to punch. But somehow seeing Riley defending herself made him runaway. Well one problem solved, I guess. Not I just need to find Krystal.

We searched the whole town almost. I checked at all the places we went together. Lunch was forgotten in today's events and my stomach rumbled when we entered the restaurant, I took Krystal to for her birthday. Making me remember her smile on that day, making my heart clench and dread spread through. We checked there too, even at the escape room game place. Everywhere we checked there was no sign of Krystal. We even checked in the school as well, as much as we could because the school was closed. I called Sasha as well asking her if she saw Krystal or not. Because even though I know she will not go there, yet that was the last place she visited. Just like Tony's house. Which we checked as well. We did not go to Riley's dad's house for obvious reason. And we both know she did not go there. We went back to my place feeling very dejected, sad and worried.

I showered and changed to normal clothes after coming back all the while think where Krystal could be. We were on the couch when suddenly I remembered something, the junkyard. How could I forget? I told Riley; she did not believe me. As that place is scary, sketchy and has broken metal and glass everywhere. That would be the last place Krystal should go, according to Riley. Yet something told me that's exactly where she would go. Plus, it is very near my house. Thereby it would be perfect for her to reach easily and hide too. It was almost 6 pm now. Soon it will be night and then it would be impossible to look for Krystal at the junkyard. Plus, that would be very bad on Krystal's part to stay at the junkyard during night. So, I urged Riley to come with me to the junkyard. Ryan came with us too. My heart was speeding up and a form of dread spread through me, it has not left me since I entered the restaurant, I took her to celebrate her 15th birthday. Not sure why. It's like I felt that she is in trouble and hurt. And she needs me. She needs all of us. But the problem is I still haven't found her.

Warning- Mention of cutting and Suicide.

There is like a bus at the junkyard. It's not a real bus, it's a bunch of metals stacked together making it look like a broken bus. But it provides the perfect place to hide. Lo and behold. I could not believe my eyes when I saw Krystal sitting there behind that makeshift dilapidated bus. Her face streaked with tears, her fingers have blood in them, her fairy princess costume has dried blood on it as well. Shit! I called 911. There was no more time. I picked her up and brought her to my house where I told the 911 dispatcher for an ambulance. She was not conscious anymore. I was crying too when the ambulance pulled up, along with Kate and Jane. They took her in. They did not allow anyone to ride with her since none of us her family. Ryan drove me and Riley, and Jane drove Kate. Ade was already at the hospital.

Krystal was rushed to the operation room as soon they reached the hospital which was minutes before we did. Ade was here already. She went in as one of the nurses assisting in the surgery. I have no idea what is going to happen now. I am waiting, I could have sat there are chairs, Riley and Kate are sitting there. But I keep on pacing. I know I am to be blamed for this. Now whatever happens to Krystal is my fault. Jane is pacing with me and Ryan tries to calm me.

"Jane this is all my fault. I should not have told you guys like that. I should have kept my eye on her. I hurt her Jane. I did. Now she hurt herself because of me. I hurt her; I betrayed her trust. And it was just today morning only that she told me she knows I will not hurt her and few hours later I did just that. I am the worst Jane. Why? I just wanted to help her. Why couldn't she catch a break and get to stay with Kate? She could have stayed with us, couldn't she? Till Kate knows why she was not allowed to take her. But now it doesn't matter. Nothing matters. It's all gone. Nothing matters anymore. I should not have believed that something good will happen in my life. I thought it was going to be good now that I met you guys. Now that I was out of the grasp of that monster. But no. My bad luck follows. Why Jane? Why? He was right. He is always right. I am worthless. And this is what I get for thinking I am not."

"Abbie. No. You are not worthless. He does not know anything. He...... you are so much more Abbie. You are worth so much. You are loved, cared for by so many people. Do not ever think that. And Krystal will be alright. I am sure of it. She will be. She has to be. She has you in her life to fight with her. Remember you told you us she gave you hope. Now just hold onto that hope for her. And pray that she will be able to fight this and will be able to go home with us soon. You like her don't you Abbie?" I nodded a little before burying my head in Jane's shoulder and crying. Tears of sadness, and pain. Pain like I have never felt before. This is so much worse than any of the physical pains I have ever experienced. It pierces through my heart and rips it apart. But I don't know how to treat this pain. This tearing apart of my heart and soul. Please be okay Krystal!

This is what I was afraid of. This was the one thing I was hoping wouldn't happen. one thing I was wishing she would not do. I was hoping Riley would be able to be by her side and help her even when she pushes me away. Krystal. Why did you have to cut so deep?


A/N:- Next Chapter will be Krystal's POV after she runs away from Abbie's house.

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