Bonus Chapter : Krystal's POV

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A/N: This chapter was hard to write.  Sorry in advance for the sad chapter.

Underlined sentences in Italics are Krystal's mind telling her.

Warning: Mention of self harm and suicide.


I run out of Abbie's house. She betrayed me. She told them everything. She doesn't want me. Of course, she does not want you. Why would she? My brain keeps telling me this over and over again. I know it is not true. How can it be true when she kissed me just yesterday? She thought it was my first kiss. I could not tell her the truth. Yeah cause you know once she knows the truth she will not want you anymore. See you know it already. Just accept it. She does not want you. Nobody does. Shut up brain. I am trying to hush my brain. It is going on like crazy especially after I ran out of Abbie's house.

I saw Abbie and Rile run after me. I cannot let them catch me. They will take me back to see Her. She would not believe me. She never does. She knows I was hurt by Michael; she knows Theo hurt me; she knows about the others too. But she thinks I am lying. I am not lying. But I do not tell her anything anymore. I stopped telling anyone anything after Rile left me with him. Rile was hurt. Just like Theo. She had to go. Just like Theo. Just like Jake, Shelly, Mike, Jacob. They all had to go. If not, I had to go. Because I hurt them. I did not hurt them like I got hurt, but Ms. Watt doesn't believe me. She never did.

You are unbelievable. You have a sweet face but that does not mean everyone will believe you. You know you are evil. You know you should not be here. You should have run and never come back. But you did. Why? Because you thought Abbie cares for you. No. You are wrong. She does not care about you. No one does. Just like all of them she will throw you out too. Once you tell her who you really are. Once you tell her all your secrets, she will know you are nothing. It would be...... SHUT UP. I screamed. But no one can hear me here. I am at the junkyard. I throw my shoes away and climb on the fake bus to go behind it to my hiding spot. I take my seat on some metals. This is my favorite hiding spot. No one can see me here, no one can find me here, not that anyone cares anyway.

I watch as the sunlight starts to fade away. I search for a metal piece sharp enough to take my pain away. I need to. Yes. Now you are getting it. Abbie does not care about you. Your precious Rile doesn't. Neither does Kate. No one will miss you. Come on Krystal. You know what you have to do. I am arguing with my brain Abbie cares for me. She does. She brought me food, took me places. We had so much fun. She gave me this bracelet. I love it. This is my first real gift. I have received gifts before, but they were always either chocolate or clothes. Never a bracelet not like this one. And Abbie is special. She really cares for me. I know that no matter what my brain tells me. Ha-ha-ha naïve little girl. You think Abbie cares for you. You are just a toy she is pleasing herself with till she gets bored with you. Then she will throw you away as well. Just like all the others.

I have to fight my brain. I cannot lose Abbie. I know she will miss me. I know she is looking for me now. Then why are you here? You know she will never find you here. Because you do not want to be found. You just want to feel like Abbie will find you. Tell me Krystal if Abbie cared about you really then why did she tell on you? Because she.... Because she wants to help me. No. That is where you are wrong. She does not want to help you. She wants to help herself. Did you not hear? You make her smile. She is just keeping you till you make her smile. She is keeping you around for her own amusement. Soon she will be bored with pathetic little you. You are useless Krystal. You are dumb. You are a nobody.

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