Chapter 18

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"Are you okay?" Krystal asked in her soft timid voice. Oh my God! She is actually talking to me. She is speaking to me. I stared at her smiling like an idiot. I am at a loss for words. I lost my voice, my ability to speak so I just nod a little after she started looking at me with such intensity from the gorgeous blue eyes that I just got lost in her eyes. "Does it hurt?" she asked again. More softly this time. as if it was even possible to have such low soft voice. I shook my head. I am still shocked by her...well her hug to be honest, which she still is yet to let go off. So currently she is hanging by my neck almost while staring at me and...talking. She is talking to me. She is...oh my she is here hugging me not across the room from me. She then let go of me and slowly settled on the ground and lifted her right hand to touch my black eye softly.

"Is it bad?" I just shook my head. She slowly moved her fingers tracing my whole face going to my cheek which has a bruise, "is this bad?". I again shook my head. My face is red now I am sure, and I have goosebumps all over my body. This sensation is so new to me. This is just so odd and awesome at the same time and I do not know how to react. I am also sure she has no idea what she is doing to me. She the brushed my lower lip where I have the cut, "is it painful?" Again, I just shook my head. I am still dumbfounded. How could this girl make me feel so many things at the same time? And she is checking me intently like I did her, but I just looked at her. Gah! I did not even get to do that today when she jumped on me. Now her fingers are tracing my jaw and they reached the destination, my neck. Where I have the bigger bruise, which is clearly visible to be from someone's hand. "I am sorry."

"Huh?" Why is she sorry. That's the first word I chose to speak today. What is wrong with me? Why am I such a mess today? Oh, right I have Krystal so near me. But why would her being near me make me forget words and have brain malfunction? I have known her for weeks now. So why today?

"Are you okay? You are hurt." She said very apologetically. Why is she sorry? What is happening? Now she is moving away from me. I quickly grabbed her wrist to stop her from leaving but she flinched a little. Is she hurt? Why did she flinch? So, without warning I looked at her wrist. That's when I saw the marks, the faint cut marks, the new ones, the old ones all stood side by side. I just pulled her back in a hug. This time I hugged her by lifting her off the ground. And she hugged me back instantly. When I finally let her go of the hug, I saw her smiling. She is actually genuinely smiling not the small smile, not the half smile either. But an actual full smile.

"How are you?" I asked her. she continued to smile. Did I lose my opportunity to talk to her when I was too stunned to speak?

"I am good. And you?"

"I am" I said and smiled. She walked back a bit and sat down and patted the floor next to her for me to sit. This is cool she is actually asking me to sit by her. Not at the entrance, not across the room but beside her. Hope my brain remembers to function this time.

"I know you saw them...I know you know what they are..." When she mentioned her cutting, I saw the pained look in her eye I saw the first time I met her. Then I did something what I never in a million years thought I would do. I kissed her forehead. She looks shocked, and I am too. Guess my body is not sure how to communicate with my brain today. I patted my lap unconsciously. Not sure what it is I am doing or I intent to do anymore? I am so lost. First my brain forgets to form words and now this? What is happening? She, I guess understood whatever it was I meant to say, as she put her head on my lap. Whoa!

My whole body tingled, and a shiver ran down my spine when she looked up from my lap. Oh dear! Gahhh! What do I do now? I checked for new bruises on her, I saw some marks on her cheek. I gently brushed my fingers on them and asked if they are painful just like she did. She just smiled a little and shook her head. We stayed like this a while before I gave her food.

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