Chapter 20

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There is a saying, 'every small thing matters.' I am not sure if it is a saying or not but my geography teacher back in California used to say this. Well she meant it in a totally different perspective than I currently relate it to. Fuck! When did my life become this that I am quoting my geography teacher? Although Geography was my favorite subject in school, it was fun, easy and most importantly it was dad approved. Even though I sometimes complained to him for making me take it, but I secretly loved it. Why you ask? Well for a simple reason, it helped me travel places even if in my imagination. Whenever we learned about a place be it in the United States or anywhere in the word, I would imagine myself visiting the place and learning about them firsthand. So, basically it helped me get away from my cage. A big two-story luxurious cage but still a cage, nevertheless. I always paid extra attention to the lessons in this class and I am sure the teacher knew this, but never asked me anything particularly. This was the only subject I did exceptionally well in school. I mean I had to keep good grades so rest were good too, because otherwise my dear dad would show or rather unleash his 'utmost caring nature' on me. But now, now that I am out of that cage, I do not imagine myself travelling that much. Instead I find small things, a gesture, an act, even words that are making me remember the quote. And all throughout last month it has been happening to me every day. Somehow, my life is now comprising of numerous small moments especially after that day.

The day Vincent and I fought, and the next day when I got Krystal in my arms. It might have been just a gesture of care, but somehow my mind is still stuck to the thing I felt in that moment. It was exhilarating to say the least. That night I did go back, I was a little late and when I went back, I saw Krystal lying down. When I went near her, I noticed she was crying. She thought I broke my promise. When she saw me, and she hugged me tightly. And I stayed with her again that night. But this time I texted Ade informing her about it. Somehow, it became our new routine after that, every time I visited her at the light house after dinner I would stay till after breakfast next day. I would buy her lunch and then go back. She started coming to the light house every other day. But she would stay for a day only. I would give her food, loads and loads of it. Because after I saw how alarmingly thin, she is I just thought she might not get proper food. I have no idea if my assumptions were right or wrong because she never said anything. But I have not seen her for almost two weeks now.

The last time I saw her something weird happened. It was not that weird for me; it might be for her though. It was a Sunday. And I remember going to the light house as soon as her text came that she was there. We also started texting each other after we actually talked. Even though we never talk about anything serious, but we talk, nonetheless. We listen to music and sometimes even dance like crazy. But that day, I went there, and I gave her lunch, first thing was she declined saying she already ate. She was also wearing a full sleeve shirt. She used to wear them earlier but then she stopped wearing them after the day she hugged me. It seemed very odd to me. Like almost as if she were distancing herself from me. I would have believed I was imagining had she not run away when I kissed her cheek. Yes, I have kissed her head and forehead once or twice but never her cheek. I was not thinking much when I did that and maybe it made her uncomfortable. Because she ran. She ran as fast as she could. And I was too stunned to even comprehend what happened that she was gone by the time I realized I need to run after her.

She has not texted me after that. The only contact she made was yesterday when she finally replied a 'goodnight' to my almost 100 texts. Well not quite 100 but might as well be. Most of them consisted of how she is, then those turned to why she is avoiding me and lastly, I asked why did she runaway. But nothing, nada, zilch for 12 days and then suddenly a goodnight. Yet that simple one word, made my heart leap out of my chest. In the meantime, me and Riley have been hanging out quite a lot. Although now Ryan is accompanying us almost all the time. There might be something there between the two of them, but I have not asked Riley yet and I know Ryan has a crush on her. I know this without even asking him. Why? Because he turns red as soon as I mention Riley's name. I should say just like me whenever someone mentions the light house. I think of a particular blue-eyed someone. I think I might have a crush on her. A teeny tiny one. I think right? Shit ! I have a crush on her, and I must have freaked her out that day. Why did I not think it through? Usually I am very cautious with her, with my behavior and with what I ask. But that day, I just did not think, and now I think I lost her, or at least scared her off. Scared her enough to go back to her abusive foster house. and now she can't even come back to the light house, as a safe place. Because I destroyed her safe place, I encroached on her territory and invaded it. Wait a second, I remember her telling me she knows the junkyard, does she go there now? No. I am not going to check there. I will not destroy her peace yet again. I should let her have her peace and she can talk to me when or if she is ready.

Today me and Riley are meeting, and we decided to go to the mall nearby. We are both just bored. I am almost not drinking, I had one beer that day after returning from the light house after Krystal ran away that's it, and Riley is not drinking either after she drunkenly told me about her family. So, we are now the most boring people in parties. Vincent has not contacted either of us after his jealous rage fit. No one from our group has heard from him actually. Mark said he saw him once and when he approached Vincent, he just quickly turned away. I have a sneaking suspicion that Ryan is behind this odd behavior of Vincent. He did say he took care of something, that day when I met Riley's mom for the first time. Just as we were about to step out today, guess who suddenly joined us on our trip to the mall. Yes, Ryan freaking McAdam. Like what the hell dude, let me have one day with my best friend.

"So, where are we going today guys?" Ryan said as he settled himself on the backseat of Riley's car. Only good thing is he let me ride shotgun.

"Umm....Ryan buddy we are going shopping, you know. Girl stuff." I am hoping that saying girl stuff would make him get out of the car, but no, it only cemented him in his seat.

"Ryan what are you doing?" Riley asked very politely through clenched jaw, like she is holding back sarcasm as well as anger towards him for destroying our plan for today.

"Nothing. Apparently, I am going shopping. Girls stuffs. Ain't that right sis?" Ryan smirked at me. I am watching him from the mirror, and I looked back. This time enough is enough. I am telling Riley about his crush and he might just leave us alone. We watch TV he is there, we eat ice cream, he is there, we talk at night even then he pops up in my room. Like what the hell man?

" bro are you sure you want to go shopping with us... to help us buy stuff. You know we were thinking of buying lingerie and some other stuff. You sure you want to come with us and oh...I don't know expose yourself? I don't mind letting someone know...but are you sure you can handle it?" I knew he would get what I meant. And sure enough, he turned bright red. Almost like a tomato. And just as quickly as he hoped in, he hoped out of the car, without a word.

"What was that Abbie. Not that I am complaining. I mean..."

"It's okay Riley. He was getting on my nerves too."

"Yeah. No. I mean...I don't know. I like that he is caring. But he is like everywhere. Anytime I want to see you or talk to you he is there. I don't know why but I am thinking of him as that annoying mosquito. You know the one that sings in your ear, you know it's there, yet you cannot catch it."

"Nice one Riles. Now let's go. Since we are free of the bug, I suppose. Well actually before he comes back let's just drive away Riles."

"Shopping here we go, free of Ryan here we come." Riley shouted before almost speeding away from the driveway.

I did not know she was this enthusiastic to be awayfrom Ryan. I guess they did not bond after all! Ryan is a sweet guy, he iscaring, but sometimes he forgets that not everybody likes it when you are ontheir face every time. Although I have a sneaking suspicion that Ryan isdriving to the mall and is following us. I think he is doing it to protect usfrom Vincent. Because he became this way after the fight. Huh! Come to think ofit, he has not left either of our sides after that. That's weird and interesting.I should ask him directly. Or I I am going to ask him when we arealone next time. Right now, I should focus on shopping and the movie withRiley. And just then the blue eyes popped in my head. So much for not thinkingabout her. Gosh I miss her! 

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