Epilogue 2

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What do you give the girl, or even say who had a place in your heart from the moment your eyes met? Yes, all those months ago, now almost two years ago, in the dilapidated old tower, in the dark of the night, two bright crystal blue eyes met my green ones and lit a fire in them. A fire to protect her at all cost, to love her no matter what, to care for her, to give her the warmth and kindness and to take away all the pain and sadness, it expressed in those few seconds our eyes connected. For Krystal took my breath away that night along with my heart. Only neither of us were aware of that fact until later on.

Today is Valentine's day. Last year would have been our first valentine's day as a couple but nothing went right that day. I planned everything. But first a game was suddenly scheduled that day. Well it was already there just the timing for the game changed to after school. Thus, my dinner plans were destroyed. We had an exam that day, that destroyed my mood during lunch at school. Because I was not prepared for it. Then after the game we could have still continued our plan, but it started raining all of a sudden. So, then we just went home. We did celebrate the next day but that did not feel like Valentine's day.

So, this year's Valentine's day is the first one we will be celebrating. And I have planned a little something for us. Because next year I will not be here physically. I will try but I have no idea what college has in hold for me. And I am not leaving or waiting for next year to do this. It might be early for this. But I believe when you know, you know.

I asked Kate if Krystal could stay with me last night, and she agreed, only that she has school today so we cannot stay up late. We did not. I just waited for 12 am. Well Krystal was asleep, but I woke her up right the second the clock struck 12, to wish her Valentine's day. It was a small thing. Nothing to fully wake her up. Because she is very busy with school nowadays. You would think that why Krystal is taking extra credits and working so hard? Well it's because she wants to graduate early. It helps that she is a good student. We already talked about where she wants to go to college. And she is more certain what she wants to study than me. I am still uncertain.

I have thought of it quite a lot especially when Krystal is busy studying. I think I know what I want to major in. It might lead me to have more work, but it's the first subject that came to my mind. It's still a little bit weird to admit out loud, but here it is. I am planning to major in Mathematics. I might end up with a good bit of workload, but I don't mind. I realized this when I was helping Krystal one day. Actually, Krystal suggested it, and after I thought about it, I decided. But I am still not fully certain, as soccer will be my first focus.

I heard Jess is at UCF therefore in Orlando where I am going to be this Fall. And I finally figured where Riley went. She went to University of North Carolina, with Kelly. At least they would have each other. Even though Riley ended up going there in the Spring semester than Fall. She requested it and they agreed which surprised me a lot, but I guess they know it happens sometimes. She was not prepared to leave. She kind of had a breakdown and that sealed the deal for her staying a few months. I think I understand, indirectly she did go through a lot. And that she tries to keep it all in, and not tell anyone, she still doesn't. But she is doing better now, letting people in, more, I think. Albeit a handful of them but at least she is letting people in even if it's a little bit. I heard she is doing okay from Kelly, as if I ask Riley directly, she always says she is fine, from the day she had her breakdown. To me and Krystal that is always her answer. So, we both need to ask other people.

Krystal and I had our one-year anniversary and that was a huge deal. Well it coincides with New Years. So, we had people in our celebration. It was not a big one as we were already celebrating New Years. Which is why I want to make Valentine's day a big one. Plus, my girl told me once during last year's Thanksgiving break that she loves Valentine's day. Like the idea of romance on that day brings a smile on her face. Well now how I could ever deny making her smile? Even though we did not get to celebrate last year, she considered the next day's celebration as one. But I did not after learning about her ideas and views about Valentine's day.

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