Chapter 44

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A/N: Thank you so much guys for the 3K reads.


The 48 hours after Krystal's second operation were the worst. No one was allowed to see her, and she was suffering. It was the worst pain I have ever felt. It felt like someone was ripping my heart out from my body. It might as well be true because Krystal was not well. She was dying, she had high fever, she had fits from it. Her heart rate was not normal. The doctors ran dozens of tests to see what was happening. They were scared that they might have to amputate her left arm. But somehow, she became normal, her temperature came down, her fits subsided. Apparently, her body could not take the new medicine and the infection she had before had some aftereffects on her. She is so weak that it was easy to attack her like that. Well I knew she looked freakishly thin, but she was this malnourished I never thought.

Those two nights I cried, all night long. Ade and Jane both held me in their arms, trying to comfort me but I was beyond comfort. Nothing. No one could soothe me. On the third day I was allowed to see Krystal but for a few minutes only. Ade requested specially seeing how I broke down. I saw her, she looked so pale, almost as white as a ghost. She looked so thin too, like she could become one with the sheets had it not been the machines and her cuts visible on her arm. I hated seeing her lying there looking so sick, helpless. I hated it. That night too Ade and Jane held me, and weirdly I slept so soundly that night. The only time in my whole life I had such a good night sleep. I had to go to school, so I continued my robotic existence. But after Krystal was out of the woods, the doctor said they would keep her in the medically induced coma for a week increasing the number of days they initially planned, as her body is extremely weak to heal on its own. And that is also slowing down the healing process. He also said to be patient. Now she is okay, out of the danger, she just needs to heal properly and wake up.

Ade continued to sleep with me on my bed. I know she is not getting good night sleep because I keep waking up screaming. But I am now used to it. I started going to practice with Sasha. We only talk about soccer or schoolwork. This pleases Sasha. Kelly talks to me too. I avoid everyone else. Weirdly Jennifer asked me one day how Krystal is doing? I stared at her before replying with better now. She told me to hang in there. Whatever that means. I cannot keep it in anymore. I feel like shit all the time. Hurt, sad, angry at myself. This pathetic robotic existence of mine is becoming tiresome. Krystal please get better soon. Riley and I do not talk mostly because every time I see her, I see the hurt I caused her which somehow leads me to remember how much I hurt Krystal.

Days dragged on like this, me going on like a living breathing robot. I do not visit Krystal for more than a few minutes as I cannot take it, seeing her lying there helplessly. For what feels like a year, but in reality, it was just a week and a half from Krystal's second operation, and two and a half weeks from the day she did 'that' something wonderful happened. She was taken off the medical coma, but her body still did not allow her to wake up. I was there visiting her as usual. Hoping she wakes up. I sat there with her hand in me, my lips kissing her knuckles. When I felt a little pull. I looked up to see her gorgeous crystal blue eyes looking at me. They lost some spark in them. But she woke up, she is looking at me. I immediately got up and kissed her forehead. I have no idea what happened, who pressed the button, but I was snatched away from her by nurses again. And this time I was told to wait outside.

I patiently paced the whole hallway. I could not sit. Krystal is awake. They are checking them now. I was so nervous wondering how she is I forgot to text anyone. But Ade did. Soon I saw Jane, Ryan, Kate and Riley flood the place. Riley stopped coming every day as well. I figured she could not look at Krystal lying there looking helpless anymore either. The doctor came out and told them that she is okay. But they cannot discharge her anytime soon. They still need to check on her and she needs to be a bit healthy to properly heal, before they can let her go. I was just excited knowing she is alive, she woke up. That was enough for me. Now she can take as much time she needs to become better. Kate and Riley visited her then, even Jane did. But for some reason I was not allowed to go back anymore.

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