Chapter 43

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A/N: Thank you so much for the 2.6K read.


It's been a week. Krystal is out of surgery but not out of danger yet. She has not woken up. She lost a lot of blood. And since those were metals from the junkyard the doctors are keeping an eye out for any kind of infection. She not only cut her wrists open, she teared through many tissues and she had cut parts of her arms as well. Her feet were bloodied as well from walking in the junkyard I am guessing barefoot. As when I found her, she did not have her shoes on her. Riley saw them lying at a distance. That means she took them off and threw them away. I should have remembered that about the junkyard. I should have searched for her; I should not have let her leave the house. I was a bad friend. I am a bad friend. I am bad period.

Riley is here every day and so am I. We go to school, and then come back here. I am not practicing anymore. I am not staying at school more than I have to. I stopped talking to anyone. I have distanced myself from Riley as well. That might have been mutual as she is not talking as well. She stays here by her side just like me. We both have to pushed out at the end of visitation time every day. Sasha, Ryan, Ade and Jane are worried about me. I do not eat much. I just eat bare minimum. I feel like I am a robot waking up every day, doing everyday things. Yet a huge part of me is missing.

I have never felt like this before. This empty. This hurt. It is not like anything I have experienced before. I feel like my heart is missing from my body, yet I am somehow alive and functioning. I do not ride anymore Ryan drops me off. Then I get here with Riley. We do not talk. I have no idea if we are still friends or not. I think if we are not it would be better for her. As I am not a good friend to have. I hurt the one person who showed me care and kindness every time. Never showed anything but. Yet here she is lying in this hospital bed hooked up to all these machines, not sure if she will wake up or not. All because of the fact that I could not keep my damn trap shut. I had to open my mouth and tell them. What good did it do? It destroyed Riley's idea of her family. It shattered her image of her father; Krystal did not get to get away from Michael. And Kate is finding out reasons why she was not allowed to take Krystal in. Well when Krystal wakes up hopefully, she would be able to live with us for a while. If she agrees. Jane asked and she can foster her. Temporarily at least. That is if she wakes up. No Abbie Jane said. Keep the hope alive. When she wakes up. She will wake up. She has to.

"Krys. I am so sorry for betraying your trust. You know I will never ever hurt you. Yet I did exactly that. Please wake up Krys. Please we are all waiting for you to wake up. We all care about you. Please Krys wake up. I am so sorry. I am so very sorry for hurting you. Please come back to us. To me. I need you Krys. I really do." I kissed Krystal's hand the one I am holding and her forehead. Wiping my eyes, I go back to my seat to watch her, watch her heart monitor beep. Riley is on the chair opposite of me looking pale as a ghost. She is not crying like me. No. She just looks white as a sheet, with dark around her eyes. Her eyes are bloodshot making me think she is not sleeping and crying as well just like me. But just not here. Not in front of me.

I have not slept in a week either. I cannot. Every time I close my eyes, the image of Krystal bloodied flashes in my mind. Sometimes my brain twists it and shows me a more horrific version. But the reality was enough horrifying for me never think about closing my eyes. I lie awake at night. Ade knows. She started sleeping in my room. I am glad to have her there with me. Because whenever I fall asleep even for a minute, I wake up screaming and then I cry. She holds me close to her and lulls me back to my normal self. But I know this way she is not getting any sleep either. I asked her to go back to her room yesterday. But she said she is not going to. I am really glad to have her. She tells me she loves me every night before bed. That is the only good thing right now. Her forehead kisses, well her and Jane's. Jane also told me she loves me few days ago. I cried hearing them both say it. That was the only night, I slept even if for a few hours. When they both held me in their arms.

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