Chapter 47

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They all stayed the weekend. Even Kate. Saturday the elders decided to throw an impromptu welcome/adoption party for Krystal and invited a few people. Krystal was a little bit shy about it, but she was smiling the whole time. And that is all I ever want to see. I felt so much light seeing her smiling like that. I got to see my favorite pair of blue eyes as well, they told me a lot. It still held a bit of sadness, but her eyes now held awe. The one thing I have never seen in her eyes. Plus, she kept telling everyone that her name is 'Krystal Mathews'. That made my heart feel full of....well something. It made me question that something for a while but was replaced with blank in my brain when Krystal held my hand and tried to pull me to wherever she was going around. That whole day before the party Krystal, Riley and me just jumped around the house mostly. It was pretty iconic to see all three of us jumping in sync by the end of the day. But we managed that after few hundred failed attempts. Needless to say, it irritated Ryan. He was told not to join us instead keep an eye on us as the big brother he is. It was super fun for me to see Ryan get irritated whenever we jumped, and he just had to see if we are okay and could not join us.

Sasha, Kelly, Tony and his siblings joined us. Mark came too. And few of the others from our group came too except Vincent. Well he was pretty much thrown out of our little group the moment he hit Riley and me. It was fun to see all of them talk to Krystal, and Krystal almost replying to them. Almost because she did stutter a little. Especially with the guys. Tony she was okay with rest not so much. I was beside her the whole time and so was Riley. It was also awesome to hear Riley and Krystal both introduce each other as sisters. I loved every minute of the party. May and Daniel came as well as the Jessica and Thomas. I was surprised to see Tony's siblings here, but they said they took a long break and are here till New Years. It's a very long break but whatever. Ryan was super happy about it. We all chatted with each other; Krystal did not leave my side. That was probably the best part.

Soon it became late in the evening and time for my grandparents and my so-called grandparents to leave. After we said bye to them us, the young people seemed to have gained an extra amount of energy as we went into the backyard of the house. Well let's just say I had no idea there was such a backyard here. I never once went there. Probably cause I never actually explored the house or its surroundings. But it was fun. It provided the perfectly place for us to sit and chill while Ade, Jane and Kate sat on the back porch overlooking all of us.

That night it turned into an extended sleepover for all of us. Mostly because nobody actually left. We all talked till very late into the night, after Ade, Jane and Kate went to sleep. I had no idea how late it was but knew it was past midnight. Sleep was catching up to me, and the cool night breeze did not help me either. So instead of going to bed we shifted our little party to the inside of the house, mostly into mine and Ryan's room. There is a door apparently between our rooms which I did not know but Krystal did. Not surprising since she inspected the house the first time she visited. It was fun to talk to all of them. Krystal slowly came to my lap and rested her head on me while listening to everyone talk. It must have been exhausting for her to talk to so many people. She has not talked for almost 4 fucking years and now so many people talking to her all of a sudden. I was afraid she would go back to her shell, but she didn't. Riley was beside me as well. That did not escape Sasha or Kelly. Both of them teased me consistently. Weirdly it made Krystal blush a little when Sasha included her as well while teasing me. Riley remained unfazed as usual, oblivious. I am seriously doubting her obliviousness right now.

It went on for a while our little party, then I had to charge my phone. That was when the fun stopped for me. Because while trying to charge my phone and laughing uncontrollably I looked at my old phone which was lit up. That earned a shock from me and made me check it. I should not have done that. Because guess who texted me. Yes, you guessed it my dear dad. Not once but there were a couple texts from him. I have not checked this cell in a while. And I should have continued doing that. There were some weird texts which made no sense to me, obviously some threats. But one message stood out to me.

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