Chapter 8

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"How may I help you?" The receptionist asked me when I came to visit Ryan the next day. I came alone and Ade and Jane will join me a little later. They had some work to take care of first also wanted me to visit Ryan alone before they join. I guess they wanted me to talk to him about what they told me yesterday about the bullying and stuff. But I do not want to talk to him about that if he does not say it himself. I know how much privacy means, seeing as I never told anything about myself to anyone before.

"Yes. I am here to see Ryan. Ryan McAdam. Please can you tell me his room number I forgot which room he is at." I was here yesterday and even Jane reminded me of his room number I forgot. I should have written it down somewhere. But I did not think I would forget on the drive here. The fact that Ryan has Jane's surname surprised me a little. I suppose it makes sense since Ade is still legally married to my dad it might make adoption difficult for them. I am glad though Ade never changed her surname even after marriage. I am sure it would have made dad extremely angry but thank god she didn't. At least she can live her life without being tied to his name and think of it every time she has to write her name like me. I think my resentment towards him has only grown after coming here.

"Who are you? And how do you know Ryan McAdam?"

"I am Abbie Wells. He is my brother." Riley and Vincent came just as I told the receptionist how I am related to Ryan. This is also the first time I acknowledged him as my brother.

"Okay. He is in room 110." And the receptionist went back to whatever she was doing before.

"So, he is you brother Abbie?" Riley and Vincent both asked.

"I suppose in a sense. Plus, he kind of thinks of me as his little sister so in a way he is my brother. It's complicated." I did not want to elaborate into the whole relationship dynamics right now. Right now, I want to see how he is. And what happened? Like why did the drug react so badly? We reached his room. I peeked in and saw he is sitting.

"Abbie you came. How are you?"

"You are asking me Ryan. You are the one in the hospital. Need I remind you that?"

"No. please. No thank you. So, wait you alone? Where is Jane and Ade?"

"Yeah they will be here a little later. They said we should catch up and talk alone while they finish some things."

"Okay makes sense. Yeah, I guess they are busy. And I sure this created a lot of paperwork for them. Oh! Hey Riley. Hey Vincent. How are you guys?" Well that was a little vague. What did he mean by 'this created paperwork'? Him coming to the hospital surely he did not mean that.

"I am good. How are you buddy?"

"I am good. How's you?"

Vincent and Riley asked at the same time before settling on the chair nearby. Seeing their sitting location Ryan shifted making space for me to sit on the edge of his bed.

"I am good. All good. I do not have broken ribs by the way Abbie you were right. It is just bruised."

"Yeah, I should know my injuries by now, right?" I let out a dry laugh before I realized Riley and Vincent shift in their seat. They sure heard me. Not sure what they are thinking now though. Hope neither of them asks anything and let it slide as some odd joke or something.

"So, Ryan buddy what the hell did you ingest?" Vincent asked with a smile.

A guy walked in the room. He looks familiar. Oh! Right he was the guy trying to save Ryan. He is Ryan's friend. What was his name again?

"Oh, hey Mark they let you go huh?" Ryan asked. Thank you, Ryan, for telling me his name. I will try to remember his name. he got beat up as well trying to save Ryan.

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