Chapter 45

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Thanksgiving I will be spending it for the first time with my grandparents and Jane, Ryan and my mom. Yes, you heard it. I referred to Ade as my mom. It's a nice new development. It took me months to refer her as my mom, but here I am finally. I may not have called her mom yet, because I am still not there. But I can at least refer to her as my mom now. Progress, right? Slow. But that's how everything is in my life, right? Good things come at a much slower pace than the bad things. I mean for the first 16 years of my life almost, I lived with my dad. Who should be someone I could depend on, but is a living breathing contradiction of the term 'dad'. He was anything but a dad to me. He was truly a monster. Who not only hated me but broke me. And because of him every normal thing like love, care, hope, trust is a late arrival in my life. But now everything is slowly changing....hopefully for the better. Even though I miss my blue-eyed beauty, but I am okay. I am not overly sad by that fact, mostly because I know she is being loved by the sister she so dearly missed, my best friend Riley.

The next day after the game, we all travelled to May and Daniel's house. Their neighbor and their whole family will be there for Thanksgiving as well. It is sort of like a tradition for them to spend Thanksgiving together. And this year will be the first time I am joining them. Their granddaughter. To say I am not excited would be a lie. I am actually very excited. Not sure why. I might say it has to do with the fact that I have never spent Thanksgiving with anyone. Literally anyone. Dad would leave me purposefully alone in the house that day. And I knew no one would come even if I threw the best party that day. Because everyone was busy spending the day with their family whereas I was spending with my anger. Me, my anger and my sarcasm were quite the company on every Thanksgiving. I sometimes had TV to watch but that was a rarity on its own.

We were staying at May and Daniel's for the whole break. I for one am all for it. Seeing as it would take me away from this town, the light house, and Krystal. I need a little space from her since she pushed me away. I saw both her and Riley at the soccer game that day. But I did not acknowledge them. Well I fainted before I could that did have an effect on them. I heard from Ade that they both asked if I was okay. As if! If Riley cared, she could have texted me. And Krystal I hurt her really badly and no matter what I cannot simply get mad at her. Not sure why but I just can't I know that now. I tried to and ended up getting mad at myself. Which ended up with me getting really sad. So now I know I simply cannot get mad at Krystal.

I feel bad for Ryan though because Riley not talking to me, made her stop talking to Ryan as well. They were friends too or something. I know Ryan misses talking to her, but he will not tell me that. He knows that it will hurt me. I told him many times to text Riley. To tell her that she can talk to him, even if she is not talking to me. But he won't. Riley started talking formally with me before the fight but not with Ryan. It might have something to do with what Riley told me that morning after the Halloween party. And after the fight that stopped once again too. Even though she sent me a 'thank you' text. Guess I helped her get Vincent off her that day. Oh well! So much for helping, right?

I met Aaron and Jackson, Ade's 'siblings.' Their sister Hannah could not make it. She lives in California and something came up last minute making her change her plans. I wonder where she lived in California and if we ever crossed paths or not. It's a big state I know but also even if we did cross paths, we would not know each other. Because of who I am. And also, I never even knew Ade so that might seal the case. Curiosity got the better of me and I asked Aaron where Hannah lived. He might have guessed something. As he replied with a smile telling me the name of the place where I lived. Strange. Very, very strange. Stranger things have happened though!

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