Chapter 9

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"Get up, we are going to my parents' house today. They are dying to meet you Abbie." Ade shook me awake after I fell asleep on the breakfast table. I woke up groggily I had a long night last night. After all I had a lot to research. Saturday, 'the day' was coming up faster. 'The day' when I would finally get to visit the light house with Riley. I cannot remember being this excited ever for anything. Why am I so eager though I am not sure? Surely a part of me thinks I would be closer to Ade, like I would form a connection with her. As if I did not have a connection with her already. Actually no. I am just her daughter, but I have more connection with Jane. Which is very weird. Ade is either always hugging me or kissing me. She listens to everything I say but I still feel a bond with Jane even in this short period of time. I cannot believe I have been here for almost a month now. After Jane told me they visit Ade's parents every month, I did not believe her. Seeing as there was no mention of this before. Or so I thought. I was either angry or lost in my world when they mentioned it. And Ade did not want to pressure me into meeting them. Therefore, here we are going to visit them a month later. Ryan came back from the hospital that day only, he was told to rest plenty. He is still bruised, and we have not been to the junkyard for a few days now. Which is a huge improvement for me considering that means I have not been that angry.

Another miracle happened. Well it is technically not a miracle. It is an emotion, but I never showed it unless accidentally. That day after we came home from the hospital, Jane and Ade sat me down and told me that they asked my dad for custody. Well they are married and separated, and it is a very weird messy situation. But all in all, if they get divorced(which I am going to help Ade with, she does not know) Ade will get my sole custody and my dad flat out said he has no problem with that. I did not believe her at first but then she told me what he actually told her, 'you both pieces of shit you deserve each other.' Well I believed her as soon as I heard that, since those were his exact words to me before I left. But soon after this announcement I started crying. Not out of sadness but of happiness that Ade really wants me. She actually wants me here with her. I was so happy with that knowledge that I burst out crying for the first time. I have not cried if not from physical pain ever. I do not have memory of me just crying from sadness. No. Never happened. I got sad, I got hurt. I deserved hurt. Huh! I just thought deserved as in past tense. I guess I am changing. I am a little scared though. But those hugs and kisses makes up for all the fear I feel. Every time I do something out of my ordinary routine, I get kisses on my forehead from both of them. Sometimes even from Ryan. It feels nice to be kissed on the head for the first time in my life. Well I do not have any recollection of my dad ever doing that. Or anyone for that matter. I have seen it in movies, shows and read about them too. But the warm feeling that spreads through my entire body every time they do it is surreal. And every time my heart flutter a little.

It's been four days since Ryan came from the hospital his face still has bruises. Although they are healing, and they do not look that swollen but it is still visible. Therefore, no work for him. And he is on rest under strict orders. Hence, we both are home. What do we do? We watch tv. I try to educate him on shows I used to watch before dad would find out and stop me from watching them. And he would make me watch his anime shows. Well I learned he does not watch cartoons. And the anime he watches are pretty interesting. But shh I am not telling him that I like them. Well some of them. They have pretty good stories. But all these shows brought a question to my mind and finally yesterday while tossing on the couch and watching tv I finally asked him.

"Ryan why did you think you can lie on the street or the sidewalk even if it is closed?"

"I saw it somewhere. It looked fun so I tried it. You should try it once it is fun."

"Umm... No thanks. It most definitely is not fun."

"It sure is. It feels scary and has a weird kind of adrenaline rush especially when you feel the vibration of a feet or something moving. But you are lying down therefore the adrenaline just gets you jittery. See it is fun."

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