Chapter 12

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 Her name is Krystal. She told me her name yesterday. It has almost been a week and I went there every day. I went after lunch with leftover food and snacks and even after dinner. Ade and Jane knew where I was going but they did not know why I took food. They asked me once and I said, "to help and be there for someone just like I used to wish." They said they understood. I am not sure why they never questioned me more though, but I am glad they didn't. They said they had no clue anyone ever went inside the light house, when I asked them if they knew about anyone being there. I thought of telling Riley. I wanted to, I so wanted to. But I felt like I would be betraying Krystal. So, instead I gave Riley something. I gave her support whenever she said she thought she heard a cry from the light house I said I heard it too. Every time someone specially Vincent tried to dismiss her, I supported her. Soon they believed that they could not bring Riley down if I was with her. Therefore, they made a plan to visit the light house for themselves. All twelve of us from the night of the party. We formed an odd group after that. We sort of bonded on our endeavor of tackling drunken people. I would meet them at evenings after my lunch visits to the light house. I never thought hanging out with Ryan could be fun. Riley and I became close friends and to my surprise she did not tell anyone including Ryan about my cry and never ever asked me any weird personal question. We talked about everything else though. Boys, life, light house, shows and we started spending more and more time together. I know it's been just 6 days since that Saturday, but it feels like it has been a lifetime from the amount of change that happened.

The three guys from the party who gave people the drugs are in police custody now. Almost 30 people complained and the rest of the people in the party seconded that. I don't think they will stay in jail for long but even a small bit of justice felt nice. And so, does my group of friends. No matter how odd it is. It's my friend group. Something I never thought I would have or even knew I wanted. We have a party again this Saturday, tomorrow and after the party or on Sunday they planned to execute their planned visit to the light house. Now I know they are all afraid of the place, therefore I am positive none of them will go at night. Plus, with the stairs' condition I do not think climbing the stairs for the first time intoxicated is a good idea. I just need to warn Krystal. Hope she does not freak out and run away and never come back that I never get to see her again.

Even though the only word she said to me is her name, I still feel close to her. Not the kind I felt with Ade or Jane or Ryan or even Riley. This is something else. This pull I have towards her is something entirely new and it is scaring me shitless. Yet the idea of not seeing her face makes me want to cry. I gave her a pillow, some clothes. It felt strange to give her clothes just like the look on her face was when she received them. We still sit across the room from each other. But now she does not hide behind the desk. She just sits on the wall. I gave her some medicine and bandages for the cuts and the bruises. She did not say anything. Just looked at me with a 'why' expression. It took her 5 days to tell me her name. Although I hope she says another word today. Her voice was so soft, so timid when she said her name that I almost missed it. Had it been any other place where you could hear stuff except you heart beat you would have missed it. But I heard it. She still stares at me intently though. I know why, I think. I am sure she is trying to figure out my game. I can honestly say I do not have any game. I just want to grant her unsaid wish. I hope if I help her enough, she can trust me to at least sit near me and speak. I will never ask her questions I know would be difficult for her to reply. Just like I do not want anyone to ask me certain questions. Questions regarding my past. I know how it is to live with a daemon and how it slowly destroys you from the inside.

I would go to the light house after dinner and explain to Krystal that I would not let my friends find her or say something about her. I will protect her, and I am just hoping she would understand and not hide from me or push me away. I am sure we made a little progress last night when she told me her name. It felt kind of incredible just a simple thing of knowing her name. I am not sure why, but I feel this need to protect her and see her all the time. Like if I turn my back, I will lose her. And somehow, I do not even want to think about losing her. And I have just known her for 5 days. It's not a big amount of time and the amount of communication we had doesn't help either. But I still feel this need to be around her, to protect her. And I am sure it changed me a lot. Jane noticed but she has not asked me anything yet. Ade is either oblivious or is very happy to have me here with her to notice subtle things. But Jane, she is always notices every little thing I say or do. Like she is watching me and getting to know me without us having some heart to heart moments. Honestly, I am glad cause I am not a heart to heart kind of girl and I would much prefer to stay silent than pour my heart out. Huh!

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