Chapter 26

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Moments, such a small word yet holds so much meaning. 'Moments that define us.' Well several moments define me, I think. The moment my dad threw me out, the moment I met Ryan, or the moment that I met Ade, when I helped Ryan, when I called him my brother, the moment that I saw the light house. And of course, the moment I met Krystal. Therefore, you see several moments define me, at least in the past summer. Earlier not so much. Hence my dilemma in writing my English assignment. It is due in two days but since I have been staring at the topic for a day and a half. I just have few hours to write it before school tomorrow. How to choose just one moment? If only I could combine them. Well they are interconnected. Wait. This town connects them, this town forms the binding factor for all these moments. The moment I stepped into this town everything changed for me. I got it. I quickly write my essay. I have to do good. I mean I have good grades till now why mess it up. Even though someone will not beat the shit out of me if I did bad. But if I keep up the grade I can get into good colleges.

Oh, another thing Colleges! Never had the prospect of thinking about them until tonight at dinner when Ade asked what college do, I want to go to. I was staring at them blankly. As if that is a foreign concept to me. Well it might as well have been. Dad never said anything about letting me go to a college. So, I threw that option out the window. My only thing was to probably run away, possibly without getting caught once I turned 18. College was never in the itinerary of my life. After my blank stare Jane said she would set up an appointment with the school guidance counselor and she will help me. And I have until next week to give her options for what I want to study. I get few options and according to them I am supposed to choose from what I like. If only it was that easy! Not for me. I am just finding out what I actually like and what all I was forced to like. Weird right?

Today is Thursday. I cannot believe I already had three days of school. Me and Krystal have not talked in the hallways yet. Not sure why though? We just stare at each other whenever we see the other. Then we move to our next destination. Sometimes we wave but mostly just stare. For me I am not sure what to say. I am not even sure she is talking in school with others or not. Like I remember she told me I was the first person she talked to after like four years. I really want to know how she communicated in school before? Was that why she got beat up or was it because she was beat up that she stopped talking? Oh god! I wish I could help her. Today I am going to talk to her at lunch time. What will I say I have no idea?

Yesterday I found out Jane is my Physics teacher. For some reason I never pictured her to be my Physics teacher. English yes Physics no. I still cannot wrap my head around that. I am glad I don't have too much homework in my classes yet. Most of my classes are easy, at least I think for now. And I like them. By the way I learned I cannot play basketball. Well no surprise there since I never played it before. My PE teacher was surprised but that is nothing new for me. I mean I have had teachers surprised by me, or my grade mostly because of the reputation I had in my previous school.

I am so glad its Thursday though as I cannot wait for the weekend to see Krystal. Even though we see each other every day in the halls of Reef's paradise High School, it's not the same as seeing each other at the light house. That is our place and it seems like it's the only place where we can freely be who we are. At the light house we are not awkward like we are in the hallways, we actually talk and interact like friends, which we are.

Today my first period was with Jane. Sounds weird. I guess I should say I had Physics my first period. Yeah that sounds better. I do not have Riley or Vincent in that class. It's odd but also good in a way. Not that I do not like Riley, but she talks sometimes even during lessons. And I for one do not like that. I might have been a bad girl at my old school, but I always paid attention in class. And I liked that about me. Why change something I already liked about myself. Jane smiled a little when I hand her the classwork after class today. We had to answer some questions based on yesterday's class. It was not a quiz, but it was without being referred to as one. I think I did good. I hope so. Next, I had Geography then Math and PE before lunch. My classes went good today. I was called to solve a problem on board in Math thanks to Riley talking to me. To my teacher's utter surprise, I solved it. He did not think that I was paying attention, that left me feeling good. PE to my surprise went well. We played soccer today. Who knew I can kick a ball so well? Not me that's for sure. And my teacher duplicated the shock that was on my face when I scored the first goal. Riley was against me today so when my team won today's match, she was sad. I guess even she did not expect me to score so many goals especially after my disastrous performance in basketball.

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