Chapter 24

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It is a new day. Now will it be a good day or a bad one I have no idea. It's almost end of summer. Soon school will be in session. And when I say soon, I mean next week. I am hoping I stay here, and I do not have to go back. Oh! How have I changed. When I came here at the start of summer, I kept on telling myself it was just for the summer. Although deep down I knew I never want to go back. But I did not know Ade. And well now I am hoping to stay but neither Jane nor Ade has mentioned anything. I mean if I stay, I will have to go to school. It feels weird. Also, the fact that the manipulative asshole has not threatened me in few weeks is shocking me to my core. I wonder what he is thinking or planning. I am afraid. But for some reason I feel like that fear in me is subsiding. I know who the reason for that is, but I am afraid now that I am getting attached to her and if I am sent back. No. I won't think like that.

Last few weeks have been strange with Riley to say the least. She wanted to spend more and more time with me. This all started after our strange encounter on beach day. I feel like she is keeping her eye on me. Like...I have no idea what she is thinking. It all feels weird. Ryan has been with us too. But this time, I was the only one pissed off for having Ryan hanging all over us. Riley was happy? Enjoying his company? I am not sure. But she sure smiled whenever they were around each other. Even if I was in between them most times. I tried to sit anywhere but in the middle but somehow, I always ended up in between them. It just gave me a very wrong feel. Like I was somehow sandwiched between a couple and I so didn't want to be. She has not asked me anything about my scars and neither has Ryan. Because I am sure she told him. But they do not have pity look in their eyes. Worry? Yes. But not always just sometimes.

Ade and Jane both of them are either smiling whenever they see me or hugging me or kissing me. I have no idea why? But it all feels extremely strange to me. But I like the warmth that spreads through me whenever they do things like that. I think it is care. Like true care, not the one my dear dad used to bestow upon me. Everyone's behavior changed after Riley dropped me off after our beach day. I do not think Ade and Jane knows anything about the scar. Because they never asked, and I never saw worry in their eyes. It's mostly just care, happiness and pride. What did I do to make them proud I have no idea? But I like the look, so I welcome it. And I have become a fan of their teddy bear hugs, which became a common phenomenon since last week. Like almost every 5 minutes I am wrapped in a hug. Jane is not volunteering now. She said she is taking two weeks off before school starts and Ade said she would take days off this week. I think they are planning on family time or alone time. Either one makes me happy for them.

"Abbie you up yet?" Jane called me. I am still in my room after I woke up.

"Yes coming."

I quickly brushed and showered to get ready. Not sure why but I got a thrill from her calling me this morning. Normally I wake up either by an alarm or with Ryan calling me. Sometimes even Riley wakes me up. But never Ade or Jane. According to them I should sleep and lazily enjoy the rest of the summer. I mean I am glad. But when Jane called today, I loved it. I just had a feeling that this could be a new normal if I stay here to finish my school. If only! I wish it is true. I also wish they tell me if I am staying or if I am going back.

"Good morning Jane, Good morning Ade. Ade, you are here and its almost 10?"

"Good morning Abbie." They both told me before Ade handed me a coffee cup.

"Yes, Abbie I am here. And I will be home this week. I took off this whole week. Hopefully we can all spend some time together. All of us. Rider, you, me, Ryan. You can invite Riley for a day or two as well. Or should I ask Ryan that?" Ryan turned red and started blushing profusely. We all started laughing at how red he is now. He just got up and rushed off to his room.

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