Chapter 11

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We all need that someone,

Who gets you like no one else,

Right when you need it the most,

We all need a soul to rely on,

A shoulder to cry on,

A friend through the highs and the lows

I'm not gonna make it Alone.

~Song-Alone Part II by Alan Walker and Ava Max (link on top)


The owner of the blue eyes started to panic seeing me approaching. She started scrambling to her feet to hide at the farthest corner of the room. There is desk type thing in the room at the very end of it and this girl hid behind it. I stood still at the entrance. Never in my life did I think I would find a girl here. A girl with gorgeous blue eyes which held so much pain and fear in them that it broke my heart into little pieces. I, who did not even know if my heart knew how to feel up until a few days ago. The urge to help her and take her pain away became so much for me that I stepped in the room. As soon as my feet moved so did, she. She was now almost a part of the wall while pulling the desk in front of her. No idea how she got the strength to move that rusty piece of furniture, but I guess fear brings out adrenaline in you. I should know, I lived with it for a while now. Seeing her made a single tear escape my right eye, me who was not capable of showing emotions, is now crying seeing a fragile frightened girl. I guess you could say I saw a little bit of me in that small glimpse of her. I realized I was making her more afraid. Therefore, I settled myself at the entrance of the room, same place where me and Riley sat and chatted yesterday. Speaking of Riley, she must have heard this girl's cry. But that would mean she has been hiding here for about a year now. And now I invaded her secret safe place.

"Hey, I am sorry I stole your safe place. But I promise you I will not harm you and I hope you will let me share your hideout with you."

Nothing. Not a peep. I took out my phone and started playing a game I downloaded two days back while going to May and Daniel's place. It's a bubble shooter and thank god it does not require the internet. As I barely have a signal here much less internet connection up in this tower. The light from my screen was enough to light my side of the room it seemed. I quickly fixed my brightness and started playing. Soon I opened a packet of cookies Ade insisted I bring with me. Wait did she know about her? No, I don't think so. She would have told me, otherwise, right? I need to ask her when I get back. I should ask her indirectly and I will not disclose this girl's whereabouts. Also, where is she? She is behind that desk for a while now. She must be hungry, she looked really thin. I should offer her the packet.

"Hey, I know I am a stranger but if you want here are some cookies, you can take the whole packet if you want, I do not mind. I am pushing it you don't worry. I won't force you to come out. You can still stay hidden where you are. Also, I won't tell anyone you are here. I get it, it is your secret safe place."

I pushed the packed far enough for her. Soon a thin limb appeared from behind the desk and snatched the packet away in a flash. As if, if she took more than a second, I would snatch it away. I heard munching from the far corner of the room. And within minutes the empty packet came flying out from behind the desk. She must be really hungry. I should give her more of my snacks. I will go back home to have dinner anyways. And she might be here from the looks of it. I started using the flashlight to check the room. Soon enough I saw a droplet of blood. It was not dry therefore recent. She is hurt as well. Wow if only I brought bandages. Well for now I can give her food at least even if they are snacks. There is also a sheet crumpled at a corner which we did not notice yesterday. Guess she will be sleeping here as well. I pushed few other snacks I had and some candy bars. And again, the limb appeared and with seconds gone behind the desk. If you even blinked, you would miss the movement. But I saw it, I saw her hand, also the faint flash of a cut. Her movements were so fast that it was impossible to notice much, yet if I keep on checking the desk, I could see a glowing orb behind it. She is looking at me, peeking at me from behind the desk. And I am just sitting here with my cell phone playing a game. Or losing the game since I am busy staring at her rather the desk.

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