Chapter 27

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Friday. The end of my first week in the new high school. I have so many friends. Well it would be good if I knew their names. But I cannot remember them. I know my English project partner's name, its Sasha. She was the one who shooed off Jennifer yesterday. I have not seen her or her posse today. I can only imagine that is good. But I have not seen Krystal yet either. And I really want to see her. I had my usual classes for today. PE was fun. We played soccer again and sure enough Sasha picked me in her team. She asked me to go for tryouts next week for our school team. I had no idea I could even score goals much less be this good. Apparently, I have a natural talent. Guess all these years of kicking beer bottles to hide them from dad after weekend parties payed of.

I really want to ask Krystal to come home with me one day. Even to just do homework. I just want her to feel safe and have a place to get her work done. The light house is safe mostly but there is no light to get any work done. She needs a place like that. Actually, if she does not agree we can go to the junkyard even. Surely there are places to seat and do work and there is natural light available being it is out in the open. I just want to help her. Also, potential problems of asking Krystal to come home with me today. First today is Friday Riley might come with me, second Ryan might be home, third anyone sees her will ask questions. Wait I can just say she is my friend and she is a freshman. We are both new and somehow became friends. I mean that could work right? It is not a good lie, but it might just work. Now I just need to find Krystal to ask her or rather request her.

I am standing by my locker before my free period today. I want to get all my homework done in this free period today, so I have the weekend off and have time to read the book for English. I see Jennifer walking by with two other girls. She is looking at me but not really looking. Like I don't know as if she can look past me, as if I am a ghost. Okay weird! Moving on I need to find my blue-eyed beauty. I find her in the library when I get there. She also has a free period now. Nice coincidence! I take my backpack and take a seat beside her. She looks up from her book and smiled at me before going back to read. She was reading very intently, so I got up to find the books I need, especially for my physics homework. It is not a big one, but it has very detailed questions.

I sit back down and start doing my work. We were both working, not talking. With occasional arms or knee brushing. Neither of us apologizes just looks at the other and smile before continuing to work. I finally finish my physics homework when I see I just have ten minutes left of my free period. No point in starting the chemistry homework. I look at Krystal to see she is looking at me with a smile.


"Hey." She says catching my eye.

"Would you like to come to my house after school today. We can just finish our work. If you do not want to.... you can tell me, I don't mind."

"Umm...sure, I guess. Can I tell you something Abbie?" She fidgeted with her fingers while not looking at me. This makes me nervous. What is she going to tell me?

"Yes of course."

"Today is my birthday. So here I have a candy bar for you."

"Happy Birthday Krystal." I hugged her, and she hugged me back. I can feel her smiling in my neck and I just inhaled her scent. Wait what did I just do? She smells amazing. But why am I smelling her? No, no, no Abbie, this will freak her out. Wait she agreed to go with me to my house after school. I need to give her a gift or something, it's her birthday after all. We need to celebrate. Going to my house can wait.

"Krystal it is your birthday not mine so why are you giving me a candy?"

"I don't know." She scratched the back of her neck.

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