Chapter 49

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"What are you doing here?" The first words that escape my mouth. She can't be here. No way is it possible. Even though every time I heard Hannah and her daughter, I was reminded of her. Still I did not think this was possible.

"Abbie. It's nice to see you again."

"Can't say the same Jess. Or is it Eve now?"

"Well you know very well what my name is, don't you Abbie?" She smirked. She fucking smirked.

"Yeah. That I do. Or did YOU forget that part?" I smirked. Now realization hit her of what I meant. What she forgot? Probably not. Well I am sure neither of us can forget that night anytime soon.

"How have you been Abbie after...?"

"Well I am here, aren't I?"

"That you are. But you know what I mean. I didn't hear from you afterwards. I was worried Abbie."

"You were worried. Excuse me for a second or did you forget? Really Jess!"

"You know as well as I do, neither of us can ever forget it. But I prefer not to remember it."

"Yeah same. But it brought me here. So even if I want to forget, it might forever be etched into my brain."

"Unfortunately, that's the case for me too. Only it did not accompany any good for me afterwards. Tell me something Abbie was it that hard for you to text? One text couldn't have killed you, you know, would it?"

"Yeah sorry about that. It's a long story."

"Apparently we have got the whole break to talk."

"That we do. Oh, by the way just so you know we are sharing the room."

She lowered her voice, "wouldn't be the first time." With that I laughed out loud. Only Jessica Montgomery could say such a thing with so much finesse.

"So, I am guessing you two know each other. And here I was scared it would be awkward that you guys would be sharing the room." Jessica, I am guessing Jess's grandmother said.

"Yeah you could say that Gran." She smiled at me before punching my arm.

"Jess that hurts."

"Oh, really Abbie!" She smirked. Then we hugged each other while the others watched our interaction.

"Is this as awkward for you as it is for me?" I asked Jess.

"Yes. Actually more. Abbie, we need to talk." Jess said in a serious tone. "Also call me Eve here otherwise I would be confused with my Gran." I nodded. My brain was reeling from the fact the Jessica my well... almost enemy Jessica, is Hannah's daughter.

"How do you two know each other?" May asked.

"We went to the same school." I replied.

"So, you were friends." Aaron asked now clearly interested.

"No." we shouted in unison. At least we agree on something. But then we looked at each other and smiled. Because in reality I didn't have friends. Jess on the other hand did. But for some reason the last week of school my junior year we became close which led to that night and what happened, happened. The night that changed my life.

I could have texted her. I should have texted her. But after I was thrown out and forced to move here. I was angry. I bought a new phone so that dad couldn't track me, and I forgot about everything for a while. When I remembered her, I realized I lost her number and I have no way to contact her. Then I thought it was months later so she must have forgotten and would not like to remember it. After all it was traumatizing night for both of us. Only she returned to her life and my life was changed for hopefully forever. In case you have not figured out yet, it was her that I was kissing when dad caught me at the party. And he hit her, not me. That made me angry because I once promised myself, I will take his beating until he hit someone else. For some reason I was starting to care for Jess. Therefore, when I saw blood on her lips, I became furious. But he did not stop, he slapped her some more and then I stopped him by kicking him. He kicked me back in return. He broke the party send everyone home except Jess. Then he continued beating me till I was on the verge of unconsciousness and he made Jess watch the whole thing. I tried to protect Jess. And I didn't mind him hitting me at that time as long as he was not touching Jess. I think Jess went home after that, because I was unconscious for a while. When I woke up, I realized I was being thrown on the front steps. I got up as best as I could, then my suitcase hit me. And well everything after that is known. I still don't know when Jess went home that night, or if she did complain against him.

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