~ But I Love Gluten!~

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Summary: Peter shows signs of coeliac disease

"Mr Stark, I don't feel so good." Peter whimpered as he sat on the gross bathroom floor of his High School bathroom, he had just thrown up his breakfast and half of last nights dinner, waves of harsh stomach cramps being sent his way.

He didn't know what to do, he had only just about finished his first class of the day without spewing everywhere, that's when the symptoms first appeared and he couldn't even focus on poetry. It hurt so bad!

"This has come on fast, you were fine this morning." Tony said on the other end of the phone, he had been working in the lab when he got the call, worried as to why Peter was not in class. He believed his every word, he was just a bit shocked.

"I k-know...what should I do?" Peter asked anxiously, curling his knees up to his chest.

"Go to the nurse, I'll come pick you up." Tony instructed the boy, that was probably a sensible option. If Peter was sick then he ought to be back home.

"I-I dunno, I suppose I could just go back to class. I think I got most of it up." Peter said, he didn't want to go to the nurse, he was afraid she wouldn't believe him. Deep down all he wanted was to go home but he was shy.

"Don't be daft, just go to the nurse's office and I'll get there as fast as I can. You shouldn't be at school if you're vomiting." Tony said, trying to talk him into it.

Peter rolled his head back and groaned, he didn't like this at all.

"Fine, I'm going now." Peter said before hanging up the phone, he slowly got up from the bathroom floor and stumbled over to the sinks to wash his hands.

Peter stared at himself in the already cracked mirror, he looked gross and sweaty and flushed. He definitely looked sick, hopefully he wouldn't have to explain himself to the nurse.

He grabbed his backpack and wrapped an arm around his abdomen, why did stomach cramps have to hurt so much? Peter felt like he was about to snap in half. Ouch.

The poor boy politely knocked on the door of the nurses office, shaking with nerves and feeling increasingly nauseated with fear.

"Come in." An older female voice called out from the other side. Peter took a deep breath and opened the door to introduce himself.

"Hi, I'm P-Peter Parker." Peter mumbled nervously.

"Pardon?" She asked, needing him to speak up.

"Peter Parker." Peter repeated himself.

"And what's the trouble, Peter?" She asked the boy, offering him a seat by her desk. He sat down, slightly hunched over as he bounced his legs up and down.

"I just got sick in bathroom." He told her, cutting a long story short.

"Are you nauseous?" She asked him, typing onto her spreadsheet on the computer. Peter guessed these were just the standard questions, he nodded.

"Any stomach pains?" She asked, again Peter nodded. Oh boy, could he feel the pain!

"Have you eaten breakfast this morning?" Peter knew that this was the make or break question, there was a trick to this. If you haven't had breakfast they most likely won't believe what you say, but Peter didn't need to lie.

"Uh huh." Peter told her, he knew very well that he had pancakes this morning with syrup and bacon. They had tasted so good!

"Do you want a mint or some crackers?" The nurse asked him, at least she wasn't offering the infamous ice pack.

Tom Holland/Peter Parker SickficsWhere stories live. Discover now