~ Get The Maraca ~

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Not my fan art, but it's really good. Well done to whoever made it x

Summary: Baby Peter is sick and his Dad's Tony and Steve take care of him, however Steve uses a mysterious device.

Steve was sat with Peter in the baby room, the night-light illuminating their faces, the radiator warming them up as they rocked slowly in the rocking chair together. Little Peter was wrapped in a blanket, resting against Steve's chest with his tiny body shivering and silently whimpering. Steve lightly rubbed his back, running a hand through Peter's sweet brown curls as he hummed an old song from his childhood.

"I know, Buddy. I know." Steve sighed, planting a small kiss on Peter's head. It had been a long evening, Peter wasn't able to fall asleep.

Tony came into the room with a mug of some sort of warm drink.

"Tea?" Tony offered to his boyfriend.

"Thank you." Steve said, holding Peter against his chest with one hand so he could take the mug from him. Peter gripped Steve's shirt and whimpered again.

"I got you, Petey." Steve said in a reassuring tone.

"Still can't get him to settle down?" Tony asked, kneeling down next to the rocking chair.

"No, and he's got a little fever." Steve told him, Tony gently stroked Peter's pink-tinted cheek with his thumb.

"Aww, Poor Spidey." Tony cooed softly, Steve yawned before taking a sip of his tea.

"How about you go lie down in bed, let me take Junior." Tony suggested, Steve had been on his feet all day and was clearly tired out.

"Do you mind?" Steve asked, his bed sounded good right now but he still had to look after Peter.

"Of course not, pass him over." Tony said as he held out his arms for him, Peter held onto him like a koala with his face nuzzled into his chest.

"I'll be waiting for you." Steve said, kissing Tony's cheek before leaving the room. Peter whimpered like a little puppy and looked up at his dad.

"What's the matter, Little Man, huh?" Tony asked softly, lightly swaying with Peter in his arms. He was still shivering, and now his was sniffling.

"I see now, your nose is running." Tony said as he grabbed a tissue from the top of the chest of drawers in his room. He wiped the snot away from Peter's upper lip before dropping it into the waste basket.

"Man-flu, I feel you bro." Tony joked, seizing the vapo rub from the shelving unit, he rubbed a little onto Peter's chest and back. The strong scent of eucalyptus filling the room. The calming scent helped to calm Peter down, he was a lot more sleepy now.

"Bedtime Squirt, let Daddy have a bit of a kip." Tony said as he swaddled his baby spider up in his blankets and laid him down in his crib.

"Snug as a bug." Tony cooed softly as he put one of Peter's stuffed animals in reaching distance for him to snuggle with. The little boy curled up like a stink bug and cuddled his soft toy with his eyes slowly fluttering closed.

"Sleep tight, Petey Pie." Tony whispered as he slowly left the room.

Tony went into his bedroom, Steve lying on his front as he drooled onto his pillow with thick snores escaping his mouth. He got under the sheets with him and decided to be a big spoon, wrapping his arm around the blondie and holding him tight. Except the hundred year old man started to stir at the touch.

"Tones?" Steve said as he slowly turned his head round, his voice all groggy and thick with sleep.

"Relax Steve, Peter's sleeping now." Tony whispered as he ran his hand over his arm, Steve nodded with a yawn as he turned back to his slumber.

Tom Holland/Peter Parker SickficsWhere stories live. Discover now