~ No More Dieting ~

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Based on this interview moment.

Summary: Tom lets himself go after a long time dieting for In The Heart Of The Sea, that probably wasn't the best idea.

Tom's Pov:

"And that's a wrap!" Those four little words filled the entire cast up with glee, cheers from the cast and crew flooded the set, I even dropped to my knees.

"Someone please give me a big big burger, with chips, and a lobster!" I pleaded, I could feel my belly shrinking from eating my five-hundred calorie diet. I felt so weak!

"That seems a bit pie in the sky like, Tom." Cillian said as he put his hand on my shoulder.

"Now I want pie!" I whined, I was so hungry.

"Well you can't, you shouldn't go stuffing yourself straight after an extreme diet." Thor, I mean Chris Hemsworth, told me. I groaned and got up from the floor, putting on a sulky face.

"Seriously?" I whined, it was literally Christmas and I wasn't allowed to stuff myself.

"Seriously, try and ease out of the diet gradually. Try and have a skinny Christmas." The dietician called out, skinny Christmas? Who wants a skinny Christmas? Not this guy.

"Fine!" I said with a huff, what a fucking great Christmas this will be.

- Christmas Morning -

"Wow, there's a lovely spread on." Harry said as he observed Sam and Nikki in the kitchen.

"Smells gorgeous, Mum." I said as I came into the kitchen wearing my Christmas jumper, I had been wearing it for years with it fitting like a glove but now it was a little big for me.

"Tom looks like he can eat for all of us." Dad joked, looking at my child-like body as he poured out the wine.

"Pitty he can't eat that much of it." Paddy said as he poked me in the ribs.

"Paddy, stop winding him up!" Mum called out.

"Actually I've been thinking, I'm just going to enjoy myself and tuck in. I'm not having Christmas without my family Pork." I said, I was putting my foot down. Sticking it to the man.

"Are you sure?" Mum asked concerned.

"Absolutely." I confirmed.

"Use the downstairs bathroom in the morning." Dad told me as he put the cutlery on the table.

"Haha, I'm going to eat some hummus." I said rolling my eyes, I dipped my carrot stick in it and munched away. It was great knowing that I didn't have to count my calories, that was just the start if my Christmas day.

Let's eat!

- Boxing Day -

Ugh...now I know what a food baby really feels like.


My poor little stomach, I literally can't move it hurts so bad! Now I know why I shouldn't binge after a diet, why did I eat that hummus alongside the Christmas dinner? It had sounded so good.

I laid in my bed, cradled up into a ball as I regretted my life choices, coming in the form of the worst stomach pain I'd ever felt. My whole body felt like a tonne of bricks, I had the worst bloating known to man and the shame!

Mum came into my bedroom giggling, with a cup of tea in one hand and her phone in the other. I groaned and buried my face into my pillow.

"Stop taking pictures of me!" I whined, I was embarrassed and not in the mood for all of this.

"Aww Honey, I'm sorry but you know I'm sending this to the rest of your cast mates." Mum told me, I didn't blame her. If it wasn't me I'd do the same, why did it have to be me?

"Ugh, imma throw uuup! Tummy huuurts!" I whimpered, this was the worst. Mum sat down on the edge of the bed, I hated the sudden change of weight distribution on the mattress as I bounced slightly.

"You were warned." She told me.

"Yeah, but I didn't think that you would let me eat that much food!" I moaned in defence, I'm the stupid one here.

"You're not going to sit here and feel sorry for yourself. Come on, get up." Mum said as he grabbed my hands and tried to sit me up, I felt so heavy and my neck flopped backwards.

"Whyyy?" I asked, I just wanted to hibernate until new years.

"It'll make you feel better, come on." She said as she tried to get me to stand up, I looked down and all I could see was a basketball under my jumper. I arched my back and took a deep breath.

"I feel stupid." I told Mum, I just felt pregnant and gross.

"Come with me." Mum said, she took my hand and was slowly walked to the living room together. Tessa was asleep by the fire, the final remains of wrapping paper on the carpet from yesterday festivities, and my Dad in his armchair.

"Who's the daddy?" He said as he stared at my bump, I rolled my eyes, I flopped down onto the sofa with a Christmas blanket over myself to try and hide it.

"You know what, I'm thinking about going on a diet." Dad told me.

"Not five-hundred calories in a day!" I warned him, that was a death trap.

"I was thinking more of like a juice cleanse, what do you think Nikki?" Dad asked Mum, she just came back from the kitchen and made me some of this debloat tea thingy. It was tasty though.

"How about no diets?" Mum suggested, that seemed smart seeing how I ended up pregnant. I'm thinking twins, aww.

"Agreed." I said, the debloat tea was actually really nice and for the rest of the week I saw my baby bump slowly disappear. I felt quite sad about it as I got a bit attached, often thinking about baby names which was very weird of me to do but it happened. But I hadn't gotten a text from my cast mates or crew members about my whole Christmas experience.

- Set of Infinity War -
I was on set with Robert Downey jr. and a couple other marvel actors for my third MCU film shoot, and it just so happened that I would be seeing my old cast mate as Thor. Chris Hemsworth himself, I was excited to see him.

"Hey, it's Bloaty-McBloatface!" Chris called out in front of everyone, I stop in my tracks and my face flushed red with embarrassment.

"What do you mean?" Chris Pratt asked the other Chris.

"During our skinny sailor days, Tom had a very fun Christmas and got impregnated." Chris told everyone, the entire cast just starts going into hysterics, some even falling to the floor to wriggle with glee at my bloating issue.

"Do you want to see the pictures?" Chris asked as he held up his phone for all to see.

"No, we do not want to see the pictures! Let me leave set with some dignity." I pleaded.

"Fine fine." Chris said as he put his hands up, I let it go. Only until those pictures were circulating the Avengers groupchat, that was a low point.

Moral of the story, make sure you always keep blackmail photos with you at all times.

And if you have time, maybe don't diet.

My sister said she wanted a more comedic one, and I remembered this bit from his interview so I thought that I would write about it.

I'm getting into the festive spirit already, anyone get any good Black Friday deals?

Leave requests in the comments, I would be happy to write them x

I love you 3000 x

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