~ I Understood That Reference ~

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Summary: Peter comes down an illness that Steve is very familiar with.


"Peter....wake up!" Tony said shaking the teen's shoulder, Peter groaned and buried his face into his pillow. 'Kids today, they are too young to be tired' he thought.

"Come on, Bud. You need to get up now." Tony sighed, pulling the blanket off of his back, but Peter grabbed it and covered himself up again.

"Can't, mm sick." He mumbled sadly, he just wanted to lie still and not move. His body felt floppy and he felt as if a tonne of bricks was laid on top of him.

"What is it this time? Bubonic plague?" Tony asked as he rolled his eyes, he thought this was all an act to get out of his chemistry test, that was before Peter rolled over and revealed his sick little face.

"I feel yuckyyyy." Peter whined as he rolled his head back, his voice was all croaky.

"I barfed twice last night, throat hurts, I can't go to school." The sick spiderling whimpered as he rubbed his tired eyes.

"Why didn't you wake me up, Underoos?" Tony asked as he knelt down next to Peter's bedside, reaching for his forehead.

"Too sleepy." Peter replied, humming slightly as Tony ran his hand over his forehead.

"You really are sick, you're very warm." Tony sighed sympathetically, as he further checked him over he noticed a red rash that covered his skin. He was thinking Peter had strep throat but now he wasn't so sure.

"How long has this been there?" Tony asked concerned.

"Since last night, I guess." Peter said with a yawn, he was a tired little bunny to say the least. Last night had been rough for him.

"J-Just lie here and relax for a minute, in going to grab Bruce and see if he can give you a diagnosis of some kind." The man said as he covered Peter up with an extra blanket, that rash scared him, meningitis came to mind instantly. But the boy hadn't complained about any neck pain, so he felt unsure about Peter's condition.

Bruce was working in the lab, looking over some data with his morning cup of coffee in his hand, he had just completed his morning yoga and felt very productive. Yet, he couldn't anticipate the frantic billionaire running into the lab at this hour.

"Bruce, I need you to take a look at Peter!" Tony said as he fell into the doorway, sweaty and out of breath. Did he run here?

"Is he ill again?" Bruce asked, this wasn't the first time that Tony had come running for him to give Peter a check up. It happened quite often.

"Yes, but this time he has a rash! A full on rash. Can you just check to make sure it's not meningitis or something serious like that?" Tony asked him, Bruce already gathered up his medical supplies.

"I'm on it." Bruce said as he followed Tony back down the corridor.

They made it to the teenager's bedroom, the door hung wide open which was very odd, Tony could of sworn he closed it behind him when he left to find Bruce to make sure that Peter could have some privacy.

"Peter?" Bruce asked softly as he turned the corner, no reply. Peter's bed was empty and his blanket was on the floor.

"He's been kidnapped!" Tony panicked as he fell back against the wall, his hand slapping his face.

"No, he's in here with me." Said the Brooklyn boy, his voice faint from the wall dividing the men, Steve was in Peter's ensuite bathroom.

"S-Steve...Mmm don't feel good." Peter whined as he hovered over the toilet bowl, nausea bubbling in his stomach. The soldier ran his hand up and down Peter's back from underneath his sweat soaked shirt.

Tom Holland/Peter Parker SickficsWhere stories live. Discover now