~ Afternoon Delight ~

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Summary: Peter is unable to go on a mission because he's under the weather, spending the day alone at the compound...until a certain someone surprises him.


"Please Mr Stark, let me come with you." Peter pleaded as he followed the heroes out the door, he was already wearing his spiderman suit and wanted in on this important mission.

"I've said no, and that's final!" He said putting his foot down.

"B-But I'm up for it." Peter said in defence.

"I haven't thrown up for at least an hour, that disgusting pink stuff really helped." Peter said, for once that day he didn't feel like vomiting everywhere.

"Queens, you're still burning a heavy fever. You're going to stay here and rest." Steve said as he grazed the back of his hand over the teen's forehead.

"That's so boring!" Peter whined, he had already been off school all day and was desperate to leave the compound.

"The last thing we need is for you to get worse, if you were to feel too sick during the mission we wouldn't be able to just come home again." Clint told him, that made Peter think. He didn't want to have to wait to come home if he felt worse, he didn't have that kind of patience.

"W-What if there's an emergency and I need you?" Peter asked, rubbing his arm. Truth he told he felt nervous about being in the compound alone, especially when sick.

"Get FRIDAY to alert me, I'll do my best to get back home. There's soup and medicine and stuff so you should be alright." Tony said, Peter just accepted the fact he wasn't going with them.

"Okay." Peter sighed, taking a step back.

"We'll bring you back some candy." Natasha promised the Peter, that made him smile.

"Bye, hope you all come back in one piece." Peter waved them goodbye, the heroes grouped together and left to go take down the bad guys.

And little Peter Parker was all alone.

He took off his suit and changed back into his pyjamas, they were a lot more comfy and less tight. Peter laid down on the couch with a fluffy blanket and the heating pad that Bruce gave him, it was to help with stomach cramps.

"Ugh, this sucks ass!" He groaned as he curled up into a ball, seizing the remote and putting on one of his comfort movies, Love Actually. He might as well get into the spirit, maybe that would cure him from this obvious stomach flu. He'd much rather have influenza.

"Mr Parker, Stark has told me to remind you that the soup is in the kitchen. He recommends you eat something." FRIDAY alerted Peter.

"Mmm not hungry." Peter whimpered as he the blanket up towards his mouth, he didn't even want to think about food right now. Not after what happened when he tried to eat something earlier.

"Dr Banner would like you to eat something before taking another medicine dose." FRIDAY continued.

"Well he can suck my di-" Peter said angrily.

"Captain Rogers doesn't want you to use bad language." FRIDAY said, cutting off the teenager. Peter just grabbed his blanket and curled up tight.

"Can't eat, my tummy hurts." Peter whimpered softly, he had enough of this conversation now.

"I'll alert Mr Stark that you wish not to be bothered anymore." FRIDAY said, signing off. The sick teen then nuzzled his face into the couch pillow,  wrapping the blanket around him so he was a little sushi roll. He wasn't focused too much on the movie anymore, instead he just stared at the coffee table and just kept breathing. Everything hurt too much to sleep.

Tom Holland/Peter Parker SickficsWhere stories live. Discover now