~ Death By Quackson ~

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Summary: Tom has an allergic reaction at home with his parents.
Disclaimer: I'm not a doctor and have limited knowledge on how to treat allergic reactions.
This was a request for @spidytomstories


"From LA to London!" Tom announced as he opened the front door to his parent's house, his flight had landed early and he wanted to surprise his family. Tessa immediately ran up to him and jumped up on him.

"Hey Pwincess, I've missed you so so so so much!" Tom cooed as she ruffled up her ears.

"Tom, you're home!" Nikki said excitedly, running up to him before pulling him into a massive bear hug.

"I thought we were going to pick you up from the airport." She said, that was the original plan.

"I know, but my flight landed early so I thought I would surprise you." Tom said, squeezing even tighter.

"Well this is a surprise, come inside you must be tired." Nikki said as she took the handle of Tom's very heavy suitcase. It was much heavier than the day he left for America, mostly because he had snuck some props from set.

"I'm actually not doing to bad, I slept practically the whole flight so right now I'm pretty good." Tom said as he closed the front door behind him, he followed his mum into the kitchen with Tessa running around his ankles.

"Where's the Father?" Tom said as he leaned against one of the kitchen counters.

"He's nipped to the shops for some stuff for breakfast, you hungry?" Nikki asked him.

"Staaarving!" Tom said dramatically as he threw his head back, his stomach was rumbling the whole flight. It sounded like some sort of prehistoric creature.

"He should be back soon. Hey, why don't you go wake up Paddy?" Nikki suggested, Tom liked the sound of this. He slowly creeped through the house until he reached the teenager's room, nothing but snores could be heard as Tom slowly opened the door. His eyes darted to the messy haired boy wearing nothing but his underwear with his limbs poking out from the duvet.

"PADDYYYY, COME HERE PADDYYYY!" Tom shouted before jumping on him.

"What the fuck?" Paddy groaned, his voice thick with sleep.

"Oi, watch your language you little shit!" Tom said before pulling him in for a spoon, repeatedly kissing him on the head.

"Get off me, man!" The teen groaned as he tried to push him away, but Tom was just too strong for him.

"I love youuu, Paddyyyy!" Tom cooed, Paddy just grabbed his duvet and pulled it over his head to try and get some more sleep.

"I surprise you from LA, and this is what I get?" Tom said, using his vocal skills to sound very upset, although it was obvious a fake voice which Paddy was able to block out.

"Don't worry Tom, I got it all on video." Nikki said as she held up her phone, she had been standing in the doorway the entire time. Tom knew that would be going on his Instagram story at some point today. Suddenly, the sound of paws frantically patting against the ground filled everyone's ears as Tessa ran straight for the front door the second she heard the handle turn.

"You Dad's back." Nikki whispered, not wanting to ruin the surprise.

"Rise and shine, campers!" Dom announced, that was his attempt at waking up the teenager who just let out a long groan.

"What should I do?" Tom asked his mum, he too was whispering.

"I don't know, umm... maybe start singing or something?" Nikki suggested, Tom nodded in approval at the idea. He crept downstairs near where his dad was unloading some shopping bags in the kitchen.

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