~ Silly Old Bear ~

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Not my fan-art, but it's really good!

Summary: Baby Peter gets the chickenpox and his parents, Steve and Tony, are trying to cheer him up with some classic Disney movies.

Steve's Pov:

"I'm sorry bunny, I know that medicine tastes yucky but it'll make you feel better." I apologized as I cradled my sick little toddler, medicine times were never great times around here. Bruce should have made it taste like cotton candy or something.

Peter's body was covered in little red bumps, he was running a temperature, and just felt so unwell. He had his winter mittens over his hands to stop him from scratching his itchy skin, it just made him feel so uncomfortable.

"Petey pie, do you want Pingu?" Tony asked as he came in with Peter's stuffed panda toy, our baby made weak grabby hands for it before Tony tucked it into the crook of his arm. Peter cuddled that panda so tightly, sobbing into its head.

"Aww Peter, what's gone and made you so upset, huh?" I cooed softly as I sat down on the couch with him in my arms.

"F-Feel icky." Peter whimpered sadly as he wiped his eyes. Poor little thing, it's been a while since I had the chickenpox in my youth but I knew how unpleasant it can be.

"Hey, I know what will cheer you up." I said as I reached for the remote controls to the massive family television set. A certain teddy bear can always make Peter smile.

"Pooh bear?" Peter asked as he looked up from my chest.

"Winnie the Pooh, of course!" I told him with a smile, Winnie the Pooh was his favourite.

"And how about a popsicle?" Tony suggested, something to take away the taste of the medicine.

"Tones, I think he should have some proper food before something sweet." I suggested, medicine goes down better with food and it helps protect the stomach. It's just science.

"Define proper food?" Tony asked.

"Just give him some oatmeal." I told him, there wasn't a problem that oatmeal couldn't solve.

The movie started playing, the soft Winnie the Pooh theme song from the 1970s filling the room, I hummed along to the tune as I ran my hand through Peter's curls.

"Alright son, let's get you fed. Some delicious oatmeal just for you." Tony said as he knelt down in front of us as he stirred the little bowl of...let's face it, it looked like slop.

"Nah uh!" Peter whimpered as he nuzzled his face into my chest.

"What! You don't want your oatmeal?" Tony said sounding shocked.

I could feel Peter shaking his head against me.

"Are you sure...I put some honey in it?" Tony said in persuasion, maybe the talk of honey might win him over. Peter just didn't want it.

"I'd give it a rest, Tony. He isn't going to eat it." I told him, Peter was putting up too much of a fight to give in so easily to the thought of honey.

Tony sat down with us, Peter crawled over to him and laid down against his chest. He kissed his head repeatedly as he snuggled him.

"Are you my little teddy bear?" Tony cooed softly.

"No, I'm Peter." Peter replied, he couldn't have been more adorable if he tried.

"I'm sorry that I confused your anatomy with one of a stuffed animal." Tony joked, I chuckled as Peter was so out of it that he couldn't understand sarcasm.

3rd Person:

Winnie the Pooh started singing during his 'stoutness exercise', an exercise he does to make him hungry. This was a lightbulb moment for Tony, he noticed how invested Peter was for this song.

"Psst Steve." Tony hinted quietly.

"What?" Steve replied.

"Do the dance!" Tony said, pointing to the television screen.

"Why?" Steve asked, he was perfectly comfy on the couch. Tony rolled his eyes, he thought this was the most obvious plan.

"You dance, he eats!" Tony said enthusiastically, it was indeed the perfect plan. They had raised Peter to look up to the bear, he would do anything for that bear, I don't think you realise how much Peter loves that bear!

"It's worth a try, I guess." Steve said as he got up from the couch.

"Petey pie, looky here." The man cooed to get Peter's full attention, the sick boy looked away from the screen and to one of his father's.

"When I up, down, touch the ground it puts me in the mood! Up, down, touch the ground it puts me in the mood for food!" Steve sang along with Pooh as he copied his stretching routine.

Peter was amused by this, even cracking a smile, still being a little clingy though.

"Peter, are you rumbly in your tumbly?" Tony asked as he got the oatmeal ready, Peter wasn't exactly starving, the illness reducing his appetite for food and since he had the yucky medicine he didn't trust his Dad's to feed him.

"A wittle, Dwaddy."

"Didn't I mention the secret ingredient?" Tony whispered into his ear, nothing like a little persuasion.

"Just a small smackerel." Peter said, letting Tony feed him a decent spoonful.

"See, you can eat. You silly old bear." Steve said as he hugged his son from behind, picking him up and dancing him around the living room.

"Aww, there's still some life left in him." Bruce said as he came into the room, witnessing Steve waltz around the room with Peter close to his chest.

"I think that medicine worked a treat, he's not as miserable as he once was. But it didn't taste very nice." Tony told him.

"I'm so sorry, I'll try and make it taste better for next time!" Bruce promised as he came over to the patient, cupping one of his pink tinted cheeks with his hand, Peter nuzzled in slightly to soothe the itch on his face.

"Can you make it taste like hwoney?" Peter suggested.

"I'll try just for you, Peter. Have you been scratching?" Bruce asked him, Peter shook his head.

"Mittens." Peter said as he showed him his hand.

"Good boy, you deserve a popsicle." Bruce hinted at Tony.

"Popsicles are my thing, Banner. Get your own thing, like kale!" Tony said as he came back from the freezer with a tropical mango juice pop...ooh very exotic!

"Kale?" Bruce questioned, it was very healthy but why would he reward patients with kale.

"I just thought being The Inedible Hulk and all..." Tony said going on a joke.

"Take that back!" Bruce said, he sounded quiet offended by that comment.

"Guys, stop fighting in front of the patient." Steve reminded them, Peter had his face pressed into the crook of Steve's neck as the two men grew louder. His head hurt.

"I'm sorry Underoos." Tony said as he gave his sick spiderling the juice pop, Peter innocently licked it as the family sat back down together to watch the movie.

Peter's little body started shivering as he sucked on his popsicle, but he didn't wanna stop eating it as he got the sweet taste in his mouth.

"Aww, you silly old bear." Steve said softly as he wrapped him up in a blanket, rubbing his hand over his side. That warmed him up.

Some days were better than others when it came to Peter's recovery, but as long as he had his family, Winnie the Pooh and honey he was a happy little bear.

Bit of a small one, me and my sister were watching The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh on Disney+ for some nostalgic feels, it's become an obsession. Winnie the Pooh is the original body confidence queen!

I hope you liked this one, leave requests in the comments x

I love you 3000 x

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