~ Virus, Or A Curse? ~

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Summary: Ian Lightfoot gets sick and Barley is left to take care of him, however he thinks that his little brother has more than just an illness.

I've just seen Onward and I highly recommend it x also this is set before the movie took place.


"Yep, you definitely have a fever." Laurel said as she took the thermometer out of her son's mouth, poor Ian was sick in bed with what appeared to be the flu, he wasn't feeling well at all. He shivered down under his blankets and whimpered from the pain all over his body, everything ached.

"You're staying home today, don't even try to argue with me." She continued, tucking him into bed. Blazey decided to jump up on the bed and curl up next to Ian, he slowly stroked his scales as he appreciated the love from the usually hyper dragon.

"I won'd, Mom." Ian croaked out, his throat was sore and his nose was stuffed up, he sounded weird when he talked. Ian didn't really care much about his attendance, no one would notice he was even gone, he thought. Plus he thought that sick days weren't all that bad, apart from feeling terrible, it was a day of rest, selfcare and a lot of sleep. Some nights Barley liked to listen to his Quest music, too loud for some who like peace and quiet for sleeping, that included Ian.

"I'll pick you up some medicine while I'm gone, just try and get some rest, Honey." Laurel said, putting a fresh box of tissues on Ian's bedside table.

"W-Waid, you're *cough cough* leaving?" Ian asked sadly as he tried to sit up, his Mom hadn't mentioned that she was going to leave the house, he wanted her to stay.

"Just for a couple hours, I've got some errands to run, but Barley will be here to take care of you." She continued, trying to reassure her son that everything was going to be fine. She laid him back down against a stack of pillows.

"Is thad a good thing?" Ian asked, Barley could barely take care of himself, let alone someone else.

"I'm sure it'll all be fine, Ian. Don't stress out about it too much." She said calmly, leaning over to kiss Ian's forehead, but the boy turned his head away.

"You'll *cough* ged sick." Ian said in a panic, only because he cared about his Mom, the last thing he wanted was to get her sick too. He already felt kinda guilty for letting her in the room, she was at risk of infection. Laurel didn't care and kissed him anyway.

"No I won't, my inner warrior will just fight it off." Laurel joked, Ian smiled weakly and pulled the blanket up to his mouth.

"Love you, Mom." He said with no enthusiasm, feeling drained from just lying down.

"Love you too, Ian, hope you feel better." She said before leaving the room, closing the door behind her.

Ian fell asleep the moment his Mom left, he could tell that Barley was still asleep so maybe if he stayed quiet then he would just forget about him, that's what Ian thought. However, Barley charged up to Ian's room as if he were ready for a battle.

"Ian, I swear to seek out whoever deemed this curse upon you if it is the last thing I do!" Barley declared, Blazey got startled and ran under the bed. Ian, however, woke up confused and with his head pounding as Barley wasn't using his inside voice.

"Huh?" Ian croaked out, rubbing his sore eyes with his fist as his brother came into view, it was a pretty blurry vision but he could make out that he was wearing a sort of Viking helmet and had a sword in hand.

"The curse, I shall defeat whoever cursed you before restoring your health!" Barley said, looking over his brother.

"Id's jusd the flu, Barley." Ian said, reaching for a tissue to blow his nose with, he hated feeling congested.

Tom Holland/Peter Parker SickficsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang