~ Banner, We've Got A Problem ~

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Summary: Peter's first time getting sick since the spider bite, but May takes him to see a doctor. Only Bruce can save the day!

Peter's PoV:
Ugh, Bruce said this might happen.

What goes up, must come down, that's exactly what my immune system was doing. Since the spider bite I hadn't been sick, Bruce told me that was because I had a boost in my immune response which meant that my body responded well to disease and that I was less likely to be prone to illness. It had been fine so far, but I was warned that at any given time my immune system would just drop and I'd become very sick for a while. I think this is it. This was probably the worst I've ever felt, like influenza but a thousand times worse, so I've been out of school for the last few days and I wasn't getting better.

I laid shivering under a pile of pillows and tissues, trying to fall asleep again after a violent coughing fit, my muscles ached and my eyes burned with exhaustion. When would this end? I curled up under the covers like a prawn to try and keep warm, conserving all of my body heat as I continued to feel cold. May said that my fever had spiked up again, just like it did last night, and the day before that. I could hear the faint sound of her talking on the phone with somebody, I felt too sick to focus on what she was saying and instead I buried my face into my pillow. I hated feeling like this.

"Aww honey." I heard May sigh, I opened one eye and saw her standing in the doorway was a cold rag in her hands. Oh God, that was going to be on my forehead, I know it! I'm cold as it is, that was going to make me feel worse.

"N-Noo." I whined, my voice muffled by the blankets and tissues tickling my lips.

"I'm sorry Peter, I have to." She said before kneeling down next to me, I tried to turn my head away but I felt too weak, the rag touched my skin and I wanted to cry. My eyes welled up with tears, both from being exhausted and just feeling awful.

"Sh-sh-sh, it's okay honey. I got you." She said in a soothing voice as she ran a hand through my hair, it felt quite nice and was actually calming me down a little. I had been quite emotional recently, but a soft touch would normally see me through it all.

After a couple minutes, the rag dried  and warmed up so she took it off my forehead. May sat on the edge of my bed and straighten up my blankets, tucking me in a little tighter.

"Listen Peter, I know you don't want to but...I've booked you a doctors appointment for this afternoon." May told me, this can't be happening right now!

Only Bruce knows about my spider genes, I can't risk an unauthorised practitioner to know about them, even May doesn't know about them yet. I tried to sit up and speak but my sore throat had made my voice sound like nails on a chalkboard, hence my croaky sort of squeak that followed. May laid me back down before I could attempt to say anything else, he hand pressed gently to my chest.

"I know, I know what you're going to say Peter, but you're not getting any better. Your fever isn't lowering, even when I gave you paracetamol it didn't go down. There might be a chance that this is bacterial and not viral, if so a doctor can prescribe some antibiotics for you. I just want you to feel like yourself again, Honey, I hate seeing you so sick. Please?" May asked nicely, I knew that she really cared about me and I wouldn't want to upset her.

"O-Okay, May." I croaked out with a weak smile, she smiled back before kissing my forehead.

"The appointment is at four this afternoon, you can just go in your pyjamas. I'll make you some soup before we go." May told me, I gave her an unenthusiastic thumbs up before she left me alone for a while. What was I going to do?

Spider-Man 🕷: Banner, we've got a problem!

The Dab King 🧪: What's wrong, Peter? I thought you were sick?

Tom Holland/Peter Parker SickficsWhere stories live. Discover now