~ Makes Me Feel Seasick ~

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Disclaimer, I haven't done much research about where the film was shot, so we are just going to assume it was somewhere near London/ Kent or whatever.

Summary: You and Tom are in a relationship, both working on the set of In The Heart Of The Sea but it isn't all smooth sailing for Tom.

Y/N's Pov:
Me and Tom were on set for In The Heart Of The Sea, I had managed to get a job as an assistant so I was still able to be close to Tom and I was able to see him work which I loved. We had no issues being around each other for long periods of time, besides I was still working and not just admiring my precious bean.

Today was the first day shooting on the boat, it was going to be a long day for filming so I was glad that I didn't get seasick. I actually didn't know whether Tom suffered from seasickness, he never told me. We boarded the boat together were we were greeted by the camera crew, production company and the rest of the cast. I have to admit, it was a brilliant cast. Tom was especially starstruck by Chris Hemsworth, Thor himself, I was too. When we were younger we would watch Marvel films together, I would swoon over them all and Thor was no exception.

We got all set up on deck, I was on the corner with some other interns and assistants alike. We were quite far out at sea by now, and it was pretty choppy, but would it be the same film if The Essex sailed smoothly. Of course not. I watched my little sailor boy, looking adorable in his costume, run around the deck. He pulled the ropes, tied some knots and carried containers around. However, I could tell something was up with him. He was breathing super heavy, puffing up his cheeks, stubbling around and his forehead was almost shining with sweat. But he kept on going.

I bit my lip and rocked back and forth on my feet, watching Tom trying to pull through some obvious discomfort.

"Alright, can we run that scene again please fellas?" The director ordered. I saw Tom shut as he held onto the mast, he was practically swaying, he didn't look well.

"Tom, are you alright?" One of the crew asked, he shook his head before suddenly throwing up onto the deck.

"Woah, okay!" I heard someone say from around me, we were all a bit shocked.

"Clean up on isle twelve?" Someone called out.

Tom clamped a hand over his mouth before bolting to the side of the boat before hurling even more. I grabbed a bottle of water before quickly running to his aid.

"Aww Tommy, you should have said if you felt sick." I said softly as I rubbed circles on his back. He threw up continuously for a couple minutes until he was reduced to dry heaving, he slid down the side of boat and sat on the ground. He was exhausted. I knelt down next to him and unscrewed the bottle cap.

"Here Darling, have some water." I said as I passed him the bottle, he looked up at me with sad puppy eyes.

"I don't wanna." He whimpered, I didn't blame him but he would only get worse without it.

"You're going to dehydrate, Tom. You need to drink something." I tried to encourage him. He hesitantly took a couple small sips of water before leaving over the side of the boat and bringing it all back up again.

"Aww Tom, I'm so sorry." I apologized as I tried to soothe him.

"Is he alright?" I heard an Australian voice say from next to me, it was Chris. Inside I was majorly fan-girling but that wouldn't help Tom feel better.

"Not so good, he's pretty nauseous right now." I answered, I moved my hand up to his forehead and held his curls out of his face. No fever.

"It's probably seasickness, it was bound to happen to one of us." Chris suggested, he was probably right. We got Tom sat back down on the deck as the first aid team came over to check on him. They moved him out of the sun, into the indoor part of the boat were he could lie down. He was encouraged to close his eyes, take small sips of water and just ride it out. Seasickness tablets could only do so much for him, and he felt too sick to take them anyway so we decided it was best for him to just rest for a while.

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