~ Just An Accident ~

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Summary: Tony and Peter are in a car crash.

Requested by Hanni0853


"And slowly pull in here...and break!" Tony directed the teenager who was sat in the drivers seat of his Audi, he decided that he was qualified to teach Peter how to drive. The boy was sixteen now and with Christmas coming up, Tony wanted to he the one to buy him his first car, but he needed to be able to drive first.

Peter smoothly pulled in to the parking spot, as guided with two lines that he slipped into like a glove.

"Very good! That was so much better than last time." Tony congratulated him, Peter had come a long way since his first driving lesson.

Note to self, don't teach a teenager to drive in your Classic Ford Mustang!

"Thanks Mr Stark, I think I'm getting the hang of things." Peter said proudly as he gripped the steering wheel, leaning back into the seat.

Yeah, this felt right!

"Can you let me take over now?" Tony said as he took of his seatbelt, Peter followed and they switched seats.

"How about we hit up a drive thru?" The driver suggested as he pulled out of the empty parking lot.

"Can we get Mcdonald's, please Mr Stark?" Peter pleaded, flashing his mentor the biggest puppy dog eyes he could.

"And let me guess, you want one of every item?" Tony joked, it made Peter laughed.

"Nooo, not everything! Just a big mac, large fries, ten piece nuggies, a hot fudge sundae, a chocolate chip cookie and a chocolate shake." Peter listed his order.

"And a side of diabetes?" Tony asked, he was still surprised that Peter could fit that all inside of his tiny little tummy and not get sick.

"Ha ha, you know I need the calories!" Peter said in his defence.

As the pair laughed together, Peter's eyes wondered to the mirrors.

"Um, Mr Stark that car is going super fast." Peter said anxiously, fast drivers are what gave him anxiety. That was partly the reason for waiting a while before learning how to drive.

"We're okay, he's not in our lane." Tony said in a soft tone, trying to calm Peter down.

He sat there nervously, chewing the sleeves of his sweatshirt as he watched the cars behind him. There were more behind them now, almost as if they were a group of bees surrounding them, Peter had a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach.

"Mr Stark, can we just go home? I'm sure we have food at home." Peter asked him, he wasn't hungry anymore, he was just scared. This didn't feel right.

"What's the matt- Woah shit!" Tony shouted as a car suddenly swerved right in front of him, he took a sharp turn.

All they could hear was the sound of the tires scraping over the road, glass shattering, their bodies thrown around like a rag doll. They felt pain all over.

The car had flipped over and one of the drivers behind them smashed into the back. Tony had locked his arms in place on the wheel, his back pressed into the seat. Peter on the other hand could feel himself fly from his ribs against the dashboard, his head against the window and his neck against the seatbelt.

Tony stayed in his seat, breathing heavily and his eyes fixed forward. He couldn't bear to look beside him and see Peter's condition.

And why the airbags didn't go off? They didn't know at the time, but they had been faulty for a while, that went undetected and they weren't going to be much help now.

Tom Holland/Peter Parker SickficsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin