~ Captain Ameri-Cuddles ~

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If I said a million sorrys how about a billion sorrys for slow updates!

Since I last published a chapter I quit my cafe job and got a new job in housekeeping which meant I was working more hours (but for much better pay so I can't complain and I love my new job x). I've also started college this month so the slow updates will probably continue for a while but I am still wanting to share my chapters with you.

Thank you for being so patient with me x

Summary: The long story of how Peter convinced Tony for a pet...it involves being poisoned.


"When we get in there kid, if anyone asks, you're my intern! Don't speak unless you're spoken to and definitely don't mention Star Wars or you'll be thrown out. Got it?" Tony briefed the teenager before they entered the venue of a fancy party.

"Yes, Mr Stark." Peter said obediently.

"Any funny business then I won't buy you that treat I promised you." Tony told him.

"I know. I promise, no funny business whatsoever." Peter smiled, he wasn't too excited about this fancy pants party especially during the Avengers movie night but Tony thought the experience would be good for him. One day Peter would be going to events like this all the time.

As the pair walked amongst the crowd, Peter felt so small and underdressed, he avoided eye contact with the guests and made sure he was always brushing shoulders with everyone.

Tony on the other hand was in his element.

"Come on, Underoos. Let's grab us a drink." Tony said as he slapped Peter's shoulder to guide him to the bar.

"A Bacardi and Coke for me, and a regular Coke for the boy." Tony ordered for them, the bartender looked all muscular and intimidating as he looked down on Peter.

"I-I'm the intern." Peter stuttered nervously, feeling the singular bead of sweat forming on his forehead.

"Congratulations." The bartender replied in a deep voice that shook Peter's core.

"Relax, you'll be fine. I'm going to go speak to a friend of mine over there but I'll be back in a second." Tony said as he left some money on the counter for the drinks.

"Okay." Peter said to himself long after he left, the teen looked around the venue for something to focus on without staring at anyone. He felt way out of his place here.

With his back to the bar, Peter was unaware of the suspicious duo behind the bar that to the untrained eye looked just like the bar staff.

"Starks's the Bacardi and Coke, now whilst his back is turned." One man whispered to the other.

A pipette was used to transfer the undetermined substance, odourless and colourless, into one of the two glasses. The one without a crazy straw and tiny umbrella.

The pair fled into the crowd as they kept their eyes on Tony, Peter had his eyes on a fish tank that was full of tropical sealife which helped to calm himself down.

"Here are your drinks, would the intern like a straw?" The bartender asked Peter, the boy jumped as he came to face the tall man whilst feeling patronised at the same time.

"No thank you, Mr Bartender Sir." Peter replied shyly as he grabbed his glass, Tony made his way over and grabbed his drink.

"This is for remembering the tiny umbrella." He said as he slid the bartender a massive tip, Tony had been served by him for years and knew that he liked a little spice to his cocktails.

Tom Holland/Peter Parker SickficsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt