~ Double Trouble ~

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Summary: Peter is Tony and Pepper's son and Morgan's older brother, Tony has to take care of two sick kids.

Again, Peter's head went deep into the toilet bowl to throw up, he had been in this position for at least ten minutes already and he hated it so much. At least Tony was right there next to him, rubbing his son's back and giving some words of encouragement. After all, Tony had experienced many a hangover and had been in Peter's position too many times to count.

"That's it, Underoos. Get it all up." Tony said softly, to try and calm the boy. But Peter was already in tears from the pain he was experiencing, he had felt sick all day but still thought school was a good idea. That would be the mistake he would never make again as he ended up puking in the science lab from the fumes of the experiment.

Morgan was also sick, it hit her last night when she threw up on the living room floor after trying to eat some dinner. That was disgusting for all to watch, and it made Morgan really scared, she hasn't had more than a cold so the vomiting would have been a very traumatic event. Pepper got her in the bathtub to clean up whilst Tony scrubbed the carpet. Peter on the other hand was in his room having a mini-panic attack, he didn't take vomit too well so he felt very paranoid, especially since he was snuggling on the couch with Morgan not long before Vomerotee. That's probably the reason that Peter was so sick right now.

Peter was soon reduced to only dry heaving, which hurt like hell alongside all his other symptoms. It started off as just a stomach-ache this morning, then a headache accompanied by nausea, soon after that the vomiting started in class. Since he's been home, he's been under a blanket shivering with fever.

"I-It h-hurts!" Peter cried, dropping his head into his hands, his elbow propped up on the toilet seat.

"Sh-sh-sh, you're alright Bambi. I got you." Tony said and he gently pulled his son away from the toilet so he was leaning against his chest. He ran his hand through the sick spider baby's hair to try and soothe him. Peter whimpered sadly and nuzzled his warm face into Tony's shoulder.

"Are you done?" Tony asked, referring to the vomiting. Peter slowly nodded into his shoulder, feeling too weak to respond. Tony reached for the handle on the flush to get rid of the last of the puke in the toilet.

"Do you want to go back to bed, or stay here? I can get you a blanket and pillows." Tony suggested, running back and forth to the toilet can be exhausting but the staying on the floor might not be as comfortable.

"Bed." Peter answered as he rubbed his tired eye with his fist, making Tony's heart melt as it reminded him of when Peter was little. He always had little habits when he was tried, rubbing his eyes, climbing on someone's lap, twirling strands of hair around his fingers to name a few.

Tony instantly knew that Peter would want to be carried, his legs were weak and shaking and his snuggling was a way of him showing he wants to be taken care of. He grabbed Peter gently under the thighs as he wrapped his arms around Tony's shoulders, he carried him from the ensuite into the main bedroom. He gently laid Peter down on his bed where he curled up into a little ball, Tony covered him up with his blanket before running a hand over his legs.

"Do you want me to get you anything, I need to check on Morgan?" Tony asked the sick teen.

"C-Can I have a heating pad, please?" Peter asked as he curled up into an even tighter ball, his tummy was cramping up.

"Sure, I'll be right back." Tony answered, leaving Peter's bedroom to check the closet in the living room. As he was passing, he noticed that Sofia The First was playing on the television and Morgan was lying on the couch under a blanket, a stuffed animal tucked into the crook of her elbow. And the puke bowl beside her, unlike Peter she is very much in denial about whether or not she is about to throw up until it's too late. So a bowl was the best to avoid any mess.

Tom Holland/Peter Parker SickficsWhere stories live. Discover now