~ Grilled Cheese and Chill~

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Summary: Peter forgets to call in sick to work, so Mr Stark goes ballistic (mainly because he's hangry!)


After a long week of school, patrol, and trying to push a winter cold to the back of his head, needless to say Peter Parker was absolutely shattered! It was getting too hard and very tiring to try and play down his obvious illness to his Aunt May so by the Friday he was taking the day off school. His fever was high, his sinuses embodied a water fountain and he struggled to keep his eyes open. This was for the best, screw attendance!

Peter lay on the couch under a fluffed blankie, his nose was a cherry red and his cheeks were tinted pink, a sea of tissues scattered across the coffee table. His soft congested snores filled the apartment, his body felt weak and heavy, almost if he was sinking into the couch cushions to his death! This felt like death.

May came home from work with a brown paper bag filled with groceries, staying quiet once she saw Peter sleeping soundly, still looking particularly ill.

As she tried packing up the food, Peter's cell phone started to vibrate on the end table, the teen whimpered and nuzzled his face into a pillow. His head hurt bad and he just wanted to sleep!

May quickly declined the call, not even bothering to check the contact before throwing the phone onto Peter's bed, the sheets should block out the noise for a while and give them some peace and quiet.

"M-May, you home?" Peter croaked out as he slowly lifted up his head, his fist rubbing his sore eyes like a child...technically he is still a child.

"I'm here sweetie, are you feeling better?" May asked as she sat down next to him on the couch, Peter hand his legs curled up so there was plenty of space. The boy shook his head and whimpered, he still felt like a wet blanket. May reached out for his forehead.

"Mmm don'd feel good." He mumbled sadly, pulling the blankie over his mouth.

"You're still awfully warm there, Peter." She told him sounding slightly concerned, Peter just closed his eyes and leaned in closer to her touch. Her hands were cold after being surrounded by the crisp air of New York, but he didn't mind as it soothed the headache.

"I had *sniffles for days* some ibuprofen around noon." Peter said in a raspy voice, he was cursed with a sore throat and an abundance of phlegm. The combination wasn't pleasant.

"You can have some more medicine with dinner, does anything sound good?" May asked him, Peter thought for a second, he did actually have a craving for something.

"I wand grilled cheese." Peter requested, sounding a little whiney but he had every right to be, he was sick and hungry.

"I'm sure that can be arranged, you want some soup to go with that?"  She offered, soup sounded nice too, he nodded.

May brought his head into her chest and kissed the top of his head.

"Germs." Peter giggled, surprised why she would want to come this close to him.

"I live with one." May replied, Peter rolled his eyes.

"I got to finish putting away the groceries, you just stay here and rest." She said as she got up from the couch, stretching out.

"I'm nod going *cough cough* anywhere." Peter told her, he was too tired to move and he had morphed into the crook of the couch. Seizing the remote to put on some cartoons, what else was there to watch?

"I picked up that vapo rub stuff that you like!" May called out from the kitchen.

"Danks!" Peter called out as loud as he could, his throat feeling like it's being ripped to absolute shreds.

Tom Holland/Peter Parker SickficsKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat