~ Be A Brave Panther ~

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Rest in peace, Chadwick x
Wakanda Forever

Summary: Peter has tonsillitis whilst T'Challa is visiting from Wakanda.

Disclaimer, I'm not a doctor.

Peter's Pov:

"Mr Stark...it's getting worse." I croaked out as I massaged my throat. It hurt like hell, my tonsils swollen and inflamed, coughing was agonising. I also had a fever, my stomach ached and my head was pounding. I had tonsillitis again, this must have been the seventh time since I moved to the Avengers Compound, I could easily give myself a self-diagnosis as I recognised my symptoms so well. Despite my obvious sickness I was left to fend for myself, only now was I begging for help.

"Sorry Buddy, you can't have medicine for another two hours. How about you go back to bed? T'Challa will be here soon." Mr Stark suggested, making the common room look presentable with the help of the rest of the avengers.

"B-But it huuurts." I whimpered as I flopped down on the couch, I felt so sick.

"Peter! You're gonna get your germs all over it." Steve said as he ran into the room with a massive bottle of disinfect spray, threatening to spray me with it. Even though I had a history of tonsillitis, there was always a chance that this round could be viral which anyone could get.

"I know you feel yucky, Pete, but you need to stay in your room for a while. T'Challa doesn't need to get sick." Mr Stark said, grabbing my arm before guiding me in the direction of the bedrooms.

"M-Mr Stark, please!" I whimpered as I leaned on the doorway.

"Please what?" He asked.

"Help me feel better." I said, pushing my lips out into a sad pouty face, that's how bad I felt.

"Stop looking at me like that, Peter." Mr Stark said, I could tell he was struggling to say no to me.

"Will you stay quiet if I make you some tea?" Mr Stark suggested, that sounded good to me. I nodded slowly.

"Great, now get your ass back into bed." He said giving me a final push into the room. I did what he said and laid back down, covered myself up with blankets and smooshed my face into my pillow.

"Here you go, Squirt." Mr Stark said placing the mug on my bedside table.

"Thanks." I mumbled, looking up at the billionaire.

"I'll send someone down later to check on you, don't leave this room unless you're dying." I nodded, I understood what he had to say.

"Sorry if we're not showing you much attention today, but we all still care about you and want you to feel better." Mr Stark said with a caring tone, sitting on the edge if my bed.

"I know." I said, I knew they were busy today and expected that I wasn't going to be the main priority.

"Later on I'll get Scott to get you some ice cream from Baskin Robbins, to make it up to you." Tony said, that made me smile. As tempting as it was to complain and say 'If you really cared you would pay full price.' I stayed quiet, I appreciated the thought.

"Promise?" I asked.

"Promise, now drink your tea then go to sleep." Tony said as he patted me on the back, before getting up and leaving me alone in my bed.

I slowly sat up and slumped back against my pillows so I could drink my tea, I felt pretty crummy, I had never known swallowing to be so painful. I pulled my blankie up to my mouth as I started a coughing fit, it felt like razor blades scraping my throat and made my tummy-ache worse. This sucked! I groaned as I laid back down with all my blankets, I curled up into a little ball as I tried not to cry. Everything hurt so bad, it was killing me.

Tom Holland/Peter Parker SickficsWhere stories live. Discover now