~ Brooklyn's Here ~

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Summary: Peter is in the school musical but gets sick before opening night. This is also a long one so stick with it (4000 words)

Peter's Pov:

"Hey Mr Stark, guess what!" I said happily running into the kitchen at the avengers compound, I was living here full time now. I had just got back from school and was in the greatest of moods.

"You've decided to pursue a new career teaching elephants the alphabet backwards." Mr Stark said, pulling his glasses down the bridge of his nose to look up at me, I rolled my eyes and dumped my backpack on the floor.

"Nope, tomorrow is going to be our first dress rehearsal for Newsies!" I announced whilst doing Jazz Hands in Mr Starks face. Yep, Peter Parker is a theatre kid. Loud and proud!

"Wow, I can't believe opening night is so close. I swear you only auditioned last week." Tony said, I couldn't believe it either.

"I know, I'm super excited! And I don't need to go to classes tomorrow either because we are rehearsing all day." I told him.

"Stay in school, Kid. Education is important." Mr Stark told me, I nodded. He gives me this lecture every time I get excited about a lack of learning.

"You are coming on opening night, right?" I asked him.

"Of course, I wouldn't miss it for the world. Steve said he might swing by too." He told me.

"Yes, now I have three people coming to watch me!" I said with glee.

"Only three?" Mr Stark asked.

"Yeah, you, Aunt May and Steve." I answered.

"What about your friends, Ted and TJ?" Mr Stark asked.

"Their names are Ned and MJ, but they're also involved with the show. They're part of the stage crew." I corrected him before explaining their absence from the audience.

"Oh right, well I for one am looking forward to seeing you perform. Especially dance, I wanna see you dancing." Mr Stark said amused, I started blushing. I'm always shy when dancing around the compound but I think I'll be fine on stage, the routines are choreographed and there is no twerking involved.

"Trust me, you will want to poke your eyes out." I said before grabbing my backpack and going to my room to quickly go over my lines. Every night I try to practise a couple scenes in the mirror to make sure that I get fully into the character, I'm playing Race, the one known for talking some shade and carrying a cigar around with me. He is the literal opposite of me and I loved it, that's what I loved about acting. The ability to be whoever you want. Anyways, enough practise for one night, I need to get some sleep for the big day ahead of me tomorrow.

I woke up in the middle of the night, my body shivering from the cold, was there a draft? I grabbed my blanket and wrapped it around my body like a sushi roll and tried to get back to sleep, however breathing was made difficult as I noticed how stuffy my nose was and how heavy my chest felt. I coughed into a closed fist, causing me to sit up as I tried to clear my throat. Come to think of it, it did feel pretty scratchy. Oh God, please say I'm not getting sick! I can't get sick right before the show opens, that would be such a disappointment, I can't let the rest of the cast down.

Just suck it up, Parker, go and get a glass of water then go back to sleep. That'll do the trick. I swung my legs over the side of the bed and stood up, I felt a little lightheaded as I tried to stand but luckily I didn't fall over. I kept my blanket over my shoulder like a cape as I made my way to the kitchen, I grabbed a glass and filled it up at the sink before leaning against the counter. I sipped at it slowly, the cool liquid soothing my throat and loosening my phlegm. I put the glass on the draining board before heading back to bed, I laid down and closed my eyes as I tried to get some more sleep.

Tom Holland/Peter Parker SickficsWhere stories live. Discover now