~ Bueller? ~

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Summary: Tom fakes sick whilst filming Spiderman Homecoming, probably not one of his best ideas.

Requested by @spidytomstories

Tom laid across his bed in his Atlanta apartment, he was a tired little bunny and had been working his socks off all week. How could he wait for Sunday for a day off?

He yawned and smooshed his face into his blanket, he couldn't remember the last time he felt so tired after a working day. They had filmed a lot of action scenes, his feet were killing him, a massage would have been nice.

"Tom, should I order a pizza or something for dinner?" Harrison asked as he came into the bedroom, he was looking at local restaurants on his phones that offer a delivery service.

"Please!" He pleaded, not bothering to lift up his head and properly speak with his best pal.

"Mate, you look rough." Harrison said as he sat down on the edge of the bed.

"I'm shattered." Tom said as he brushed a hand through his hair, rubbing his eye with a closed fist.

"Take the day off." Harrison said casually, he fancied a pepperoni.

"I can't!" Tom whined, rolling over onto his belly and laying his head on Haz's lap.

"You can't even take a sickie?" Harrison asked Tom, that was a thought.

"I mean I could if I wanted to, but I didn't really want to waste them. I wouldn't feel good about lying to the crew." Tom said.

"You'd get away with it, you're a trained actor, Motherfucker." Harrison said, Tom laughed.

"You're probably right, but we wouldn't be able to go out. We'd get caught by the press or something." Tom said. The press would follow him everywhere.

"Live a little, what do you want to do more than anything tomorrow?" Harrison asked him, this was a persuasive technique. The Holly Holiday technique.

"I fancy going to the spa, ya know. Getting a massage would be great." Tom sighed, what he would do to have a massage right now. That would lift some tension off his neck.

"I'd thought you'd never ask. Let me go book us some massage treatments, while you think of an alibi." Harrison ordered, Tom felt so naughty. He hadn't tried to fake anyone out since he was a kid, but it felt so right.

As he ate his pizza he had come up with a plan, early the next morning he would call the director up and say that he was feeling pretty under the weather and fingers crossed a day off would emerge in the conversation. Simple but effective, hopefully.

- The Next Morning -

"Oh Haz, I don't think I can do this." Tom said in a panic as he placed around the kitchen, he had his phone in hand and a horrible sinking feeling in his belly that things were about to go horribly wrong.

"I believe in you, you're more than capable of pulling this off." Harrison said enthusiastically.

"Fine, fine. I'm going to do it, I'm going to do it right now and you can't stop me, right now!" Tom said as he jumped up and down to warm himself up to lie to his director. He dialled the number and plugged his nose.

"Hey there, Tom. What's going on, you never normally call this early?" Jon asked, Tom immediately felt jittery with fear. He was already onto him.

"Ugh...hi Jon *cough cough* I'm not really feeling *sniff* so good today. I think I have the flu." Tom whined, sounding weak. It was a very convincing voice he put on, Harrison was sat in the corner giving him a thumbs up.

Tom Holland/Peter Parker SickficsWhere stories live. Discover now