~ Bwark ~

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Summary: Peter and Morgan both get sick with the chickenpox.
Peter's POV:
"I'll be back real soon, Morgan. I promise." I cooed softly as I held Morgan in my arms, she wasn't feeling well today but I still had to go to school. She was being a bit clingy.

"Can't you just stay here with me?" She said in a sad tone, her voice at a low volume. Morgan had a bad fever, her body felt achy and generally didn't feel good. I felt bad for her.

"I wish I could, Mo, but I have a lot of work to do today. We can cuddle when I get home, maybe watch Moana?" I suggested to try and cheer her up.

"Okay." She said with a weak smile, I kissed her on the head before Mom took her out of my arms, Morgan clung onto her like a koala, it was very cute.

"Have a good day, Sweetie." Mom said as she gave me a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Work hard, kiddo!" Dad called out from the other room. He was taking the day off to help Mom look after Morgan, so Happy was taking me to school today.

"Thanks, will do!" I answered as I picked up my backpack.

"See you later, Mo." I said as I opened the front door.

"Bye Petey." She said with a yawn, that made my heart melt. I left the house and hopped into the backseat of Happy's car.

"Morning Happy." I said as I put on my seatbelt.

"Hey Kid, how's the little one?" Happy asked, referring to Morgan.

"She's not feeling great, I think it might be the flu or something. It gets around." I answered, it made sense. It was flu season after all, and viruses can spread easily in a kindergarten class.

"Poor little thing, I hope it passes quickly." Happy said as he pulled away from the house, I hoped for the same thing.

Tony's POV:
I honestly think that I've watched every Disney film twice in one day, no joke. That's what happens when your child gets sick, you watch movies and hope they fall asleep but then they wake up and require entertainment. Luckily now, Morgan was sleeping soundly as she laid across my chest with a blanket wrapped around her. She was my little fluff burrito.

"How is she?" Pepper asked as she came into the living room with a basket of fresh laundry.

"Miserable. I had to force her to eat a juice pop, can you believe it?" I said sadly, Morgan was only drinking small sips of water and had one bite of toast. So I tried to give her a juice pop to get some fluids in her but she didn't care for it.

"Poor girl." Pepper cooed sympathetically as she leaned over the side of the couch to kiss her head.

"No kiss for me, your loving husband and father of your children, practical doctor?" I said, Pepper rolled her eyes before pecking my lips.

"Eww, get a room guys." Peter said as he opened the front door and saw me and his Mom smooching.

"Not until I give you a smooch, get over here." I called out.

"I'll pass." Peter said as he dumped his backpack on the floor, whilst rubbing his eyes with his fist.

"Rough day?" I asked him, he looked pretty tired.

"Yeah, a lotta work." Peter said, high school was stressful. I felt for him.

"How about you put your pyjamas on then take over on cuddle duty?" I suggested, I think we all needed to just relax. It had been a long few days, but at least tomorrow was Friday.

"Sure." Peter said as he stretched out before heading up to his bedroom.

Morgan started to stir and whimper in her sleep, she nuzzled her face deeper into my chest.

Tom Holland/Peter Parker SickficsWhere stories live. Discover now