~ Heroes Don't Take Sick Days ~

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Summary: Peter is sick during his weekend with the avengers, the same weekend they planned to do extreme hero training. Is this going to end well?

Requested by Clairinett_ , sorry if this wasn't exactly what you had in mind as I'm not sure if I translated your request properly. Hope you like it anyway x

"I think we should put some vapo rub on Peter's chest and put him to bed." MJ joked as she looked upon the sick spiderling next to her, his head leaning against the desk from exhaustion brought on by his illness, fighting the urge to fall asleep in class. He was pulling through to finish off a group project with MJ and Ned. It was last period, he felt like he could keep it together, but he wasn't feeling good at all.

"It's not that kind of sick." Peter whimpered as he buried his warm face into his arms, he wasn't feeling congested or anything. He didn't know how he felt, he just felt ill. He felt all shivery, his head felt like swiss cheese, his stomach felt weirdly hollow from not eating anything that day, he hadn't had an appetite. He didn't feel like himself.

"I think I have the fever." Peter sighed sadly, Ned's jaw dropped to the floor.

"You what, Mr Grammar Nazi?" Ned asked the sick boy.

"Huh?" Peter replied, he wasn't even aware that he made a grammatical error.

"You have 'The Fever' do you?" Ned asked, it finally clicked in Peter's mind despite it taking a while.

"Sorry, I meant a fever. I just don't feel good." Peter said lowering his head down again, he felt so drained.

"You're going to let us take you home after school today, don't even try to argue with me." MJ said, she was concerned for her friend's health. Peter has the tendency to push himself too far.

"Can't, I'm at the compound this weekend for my training." Peter said, he had been looking forward to this for so long but today it was something he'd rather not do.

"Mr Stark will surely understand if you need a day off." Ned said in his most persuasive voice.

"Heroes don't take sick days." Peter said as he sat up in his chair, stretching out in his seat as he felt the lesson come to a close. That was that. They didn't speak of this again.

The class was dismissed, Peter swung his backpack over his shoulder and shivered down into his hoodie as he slept walked through the halls of Midtown Tech. Everything looked fuzzy, the people around him were just blobs of colour and nothing else. He soon made it to the back of the school where Happy was parked ready to take him to the Avengers compound. Peter got into the backseat and slumped back against the leather.

"Rough day?" Happy asked as he pulled away from the building.

"You could say that." Peter mumbled, he just felt so tired. Happy looked in the rear view mirror and saw the teen's frowny face, he had an inkling that something was wrong.

"You doing okay, Peter? You seem a little down." Happy asked, this behaviour was so unlike the Peter Parker he knew. He had to say something. Peter looked at the back of Happy's head.

"I'm a little stressed about this group project I have to do for one of my classes, a little tired." Peter answered, he didn't want to worry Happy with his problems.

"Alright, as long as you're sure. You can take a little nap if you want." Happy suggested, he knew how tired teenagers can be. Peter liked the idea of sleep, he arranged his backpack to act like a pillow and shifted himself in a position that was almost comfortable. He closed his tired eyes and tried to get some rest.

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