~ Ain't Like Cherry Pie ~

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Summary: Arvin Russel gets sick, causing him to reminisce on his past.

⚠️Spoilers⚠️ if you haven't seen The Devil All The Time


They say that children exposed to dirt are less likely to become ill, so Arvin must have swallowed it by the bucket load back in Knockemstiff. Since he's lived with his Grandma in West Virginia he hasn't been sick once, so it came as a massive shock to the household when Arvin woke up vomiting.

It took a hell of a lot convincing to get him back to bed, his Grandma and Lenora holding under each arm to help him walk. Strong waves of pain shot through Arvin's stomach, making his body tense up and groan. It had been forever since he felt like this. They laid him down on his bed, that used to belong to his dad, and covering him up with many hand-knitted quilts to keep him warm.

"Lenora...I gots to get y-you to school." Arvin said as he tried to sit up, rest was the last thing on his mind, he needed to get his younger sister to school on time.

"Sh-sh-sh, you gotta lie down Arvin." Lenora said lightly pushing his shoulders down so he was lying against his pillow.

"You got a nasty bug there, you gotta rest." Lenora told him as she ran her hand over his forehead. She could feel the heat radiating off of his skin.

"I'm gonna catch the bus, I'll be fine." She tried to reassure him.

"Those fellas better not give you any trouble." Arvin said, he hated those bastards picking on her. He wanted to be there to protect her.

"They can sure as hell try, they know I've got you for a brother." Lenora said, Arvin gave off a weak smile and closed his eyes.

"They were pissing in their panties last time I saw them." Arvin said, he wasn't the most proud of his violence in front his his younger sister but the embarrassment that the bullies have to live with now was a reward.

"They were plum scared of you." Lenora giggled, thankful that she had someone like Arvin in her life.

"I gots to go, but I'll be back before you know it." Lenora told him, Arvin didn't want her to leave but knew that she had to go and get her education.

"I love you, Lenora." Arvin said as he reached for her hand, she held it tight for a moment or two.

"Love you too, Arvin." She said with a smile.

"You get better, now." She said as she picked up her notebooks and her bible, reminded Arvin that he would miss visiting her Mama's grave.

"I'll try." He said as he watched her leave the room. Arvin hoped that he would be well enough to collect Lenora from school and take her to her Mama's grave, but he had a feeling that it wouldn't be possible. His Grandma, Emma, brought him a basin which she placed on his bedside table. Arvin stared at it and sighed, he knew what the basin was for but he was yet to use it. Even after a bad night drinking, the floor became the better option.

"You're lucky I went an bought ginger root yesterday." She said, ginger was always the way to go for sickness.

"You ain't gonna make me chew on it, are ya?" Arvin said, he didn't want to feel like he was eating anything.

"Your Daddy used to say the exact same thing. I had to bake it into ginger snaps." Emma told him, how Arvin reminded her of Willard. Especially in his Daddy's old bed.

"No, I'm gonna dice it and let it simmer in water for you to drink." She said, knowing that would be easier for him to digest.

"Thanks G-Grandma." Arvin said weakly, rubbing his sore eyes with his fist. Followed by one of his famous minute long yawns.

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