~ Two Sick Arachnids ~

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Summary: Peter and Natasha hang out whilst they're feeling under the weather.

P.S, I love Black Widow! I saw it on the 7th of July when it came out in UK cinemas, it was my first time watching a Marvel movie in the cinema since I started watching the MCU during lockdown in 2020.

It was a quiet night at the Avengers Compound, a dark sky and the forceful sound of raindrops against the roof like mini bullets, surprisingly soothing to the ears.

Many heroes were sleeping soundly in their rooms as the strong scent of eucalyptus filled the halls from an abundance of vapo rub and essential oils being scattered about the place to try and rid the compound of a savage winter cold that had gripped them all.

It had followed them home from a mission in Sweden.

Whilst the majority of the avengers were able to get some much needed rest, Peter Parker was still attending his high school classes as per usual, his attendance was starting to become a great concern to the senior members of staff. Because of this, Peter felt as if he should power through his illness to maximise his time before his attendance becomes so bad he's kicked out.

Poor little Peter was exhausted, he took naps whenever he could but he still had to get his homework done, plus a few extra credit assignments to get into the good graces of his teachers. Avoid suspicions raising.

His nose was red and sore from blowing it so often, it was unbearably painful, and everything hurt. His head, his throat, even his armpits. That's swollen glands for ya!

Peter dropped his head onto ths desk with a dramatic sigh, he felt awful. This wasn't fair.

He pulled on his Spiderman mask.

"Karen." Peter croaked out.

"Good evening, Peter. You sound like a rat!" She replied.


"How's your common cold?" She asked him.

"Worse, I've never feld *cough cough* so bad." Peter whined, he wasn't exaggerating in the slightest.

"How bad?"

"The Emoji Movie bad!" The boy answered, this was the worst.

"I should inform you that your temperature is climbing, I'd recommend some ibuprofen to aid your recovery. And perhaps you should change your pyjamas you're starting to smell really bad." Karen suggested.

"Ah Rude! Karen, how do you even smell *sniffles for days* you haven'd god a nose!" Peter wondered sounding very offended, reluctantly changing into fresh pyjamas and stuffing tissues into his pockets.

Ibuprofen sounded like a good idea but Peter needed to eat something first.

Natasha was in the kitchen boiling water in a kettle for some tea and a hot water bottle, she was sat on the counters with her legs crossed as she held her favourite thermal mug to her chest. A souvenir from her time in Budapest with Clint.

"Hi Kid." Nat said happily when she saw Peter come in.

"Oh, I didn'd think *cough cough* anyone else was awake." Peter said a little startled before blowing his stuffy nose.

"Still haven'd shaked thad cold?" She asked, sounding very congested. He shook his head before scanning the cupboards for something to snack on.

He found some lotus biscoff biscuits which would suffice.

"Me neither." Nat sighed as she watch the water bubble rapidly in the kettle.


"Yes please." Peter replied with a weak smile before munching his biscuits as he read the back of the box of ibuprofen capsules.

Tom Holland/Peter Parker SickficsWhere stories live. Discover now