~ Online School 🖕 ~

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Summary: Peter is self-isolating and having to do online school during the coronavirus pandemic.

FYI, Peter doesn't have covid nor will I write a fic where one of the avengers have covid.


"Good news, Underoos. Your covid test came back negative." Tony said as he walked into his son's bedroom, taking off his mask as he sat down on the edge of the bed where Peter was lying down. His little body overcome with light-headedness and the general feeling of being unwell.

"Mhm." Peter huffed as he pulled his blanket further up his body, don't get me wrong he was happy he didn't have the coronavirus but he was still sick.

"I'm so sorry, Bud." Tony said as he started running his hand over Peter's back to try and soothe him.

Peter came home from school yesterday feeling feverish and achy so he was taken for a covid test, since then he's become quite ill with flu-like symptoms which seemed suspicious. His senses of taste and smell weren't as good as they could of been and he developed a cough so it was only fitting to take a covid test to be on the safe side.

"I'd be happy it's just the flu, you know. I bet it still sucks that you're not feeling well but at least we can take care of you." Tony said before he kissed the top of Peter's head, rocking him gently.

"I have online school *cough cough* though, Dad." Peter whined as he leaned closer into Tony's chest, the poor boy hated online school.

When lockdown first occurred, Peter was taking online classes for months until the summer before even being let back into a classroom. Despite being a smart kid, doing school online felt very draining and his brain felt all slow.

These 'covid symptoms' meant that the Stark family had to self-isolate for two weeks at least, two weeks of online school for Peter and Morgan.

"Personally I think it's ridiculous, can't they wait until you feel better?" Tony complained, he didn't agree with this system.

"We've missed so much." Peter sighed sadly, it was hard trying to teach himself the syllabus and the memories of his homeschooling days gave him an even worse headache.

"Is there anything me and your Mom can do to help?" Tony asked his son, brushing the curls away from his sick face.

Peter shrugged as he shivered into his blankets. He was so tired, it was getting late and the dread of knowing that come tomorrow morning he'd be attending the classroom virtually pulled him down.

Pepper turned up in the doorway, looking down on her favourite boys as sympathy washed over her.

"Aww my Baby. I got you some things." She said before kneeling next to the bed, popping a fresh tissue box on the bedside table and a bottle of cold medicine.

"Hell noooo!" Peter whimpered as he pulled the blanket over his mouth, he thought that medicine was literal poison.

"Don't be such a drama queen, you'll hardly be able to taste it. That's why you took the covid test in the first place!" Tony said as he pulled the blanket away, Peter swiftly spoon-fed the alien plasma shit which he swallowed faster than a whippet.

Pepper pulled the curtains closed and put drops of eucalyptus oil around the room to help Peter sleep.

"Pep, essential oils aren't going to cure this pandemic." Tony said as he shook his head at his wife.

"Oh hush! This is just something a little special for our little spiderling." Pepper said before pressing a soft kiss to Peter's temple and tucking him into bed.

Tom Holland/Peter Parker SickficsWhere stories live. Discover now