~ Stop Learning ~

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Summary: Not long before the Academic Decathlon, Peter gets sick but instead of resting he feels the need to study. Good luck getting passed Dad. 

This was a request by my sister, IWuvDaniBoy


"And where are you going with that backpack?" Tony asked, putting on his most cliché dad voice he could put on. He was reading his morning newspaper at the breakfast table, a cup of coffee beside him, however he noticed something very unusual with the eyes at the back of his head. His son, his sick son I might add, about to head out the door.

"N-Nowhere." Peter croaked out, sounding quite startled, he thought he was being so sneaky and wouldn't get caught.

"Is that so? You look like you're about to conquer Everest." Tony said as he put his paper down to further inspect the situation. Peter was dressed in many layers in an effort to not get too cold, the giant coat on top of him making him seem very suspicious.

"I need to *cough cough* study for the decathlon." Peter admitted, he had made plans to meet up with the decathlon team at the town library after school, despite the fact that Peter was too sick to even attend school that day he was determined not to miss this study session.

"Oh no you're not, get your butt back to bed right now. Doctor's orders." Tony said with his fatherly authority, pointing in the direction of his son's sodding little grief hole, otherwise known as his bedroom.

"You're not a *cough* Doctor." Peter sassed, Tony just rolled his eyes and made his way over to his son.

"You know what I mean, come back to bed." Tony said as he put his hands on Peter's shoulders, guiding him back to his bedroom. Peter just whined as he allowed his dad to drag him back to his room, he pulled the giant coat off of him before the teenager collapsed back into his enormous pile of blankets.

"You weren't even dressed!" Tony chuckled, noticing that under that massive coat was a sick little boy still in his pyjamas, and he was going to dress that way to go to the library.

"What am I going to do with you, hey?" Tony sighed, sitting on the edge of Peter's bed. The boy hand curled up into the fetal position, nuzzling his pale face into his pillow, letting out a few chesty coughs. Tony leaned over to feel his forehead with the back of his hand, he was burning up.

"I can't believe you were even considering to leave the house with a fever like that." Tony said, not in an angry, or even a disappointed way, he was more worried for his son. Sometimes he needs to learn when to put himself first.

"Decathlon is very *cough cough* important to MJ, I'm not letting her down." Peter said, he really liked MJ and just wanted to make her proud by being a valuable member to the decathlon team.

"You wouldn't be letting her down, Peter. She'll understand that you're unable to attend these next few study sessions, then you'll come back stronger than ever and blow the competition away." Tony said, starting to go into pep talk mode.

"You sure?" Peter asked.

"Absolutely, now rest up. I don't want to see you out of this bed until you're feeling better, do you understand?" Tony said, putting his dad voice back on again.

"Yes, Daaad!" Peter sighed, which sort of turned into a yawn.

"Are you going to take a nap?" Tony asked, Peter nodded and hugged he blankets around him. Tony thought he looked rather sweet, all cosy. He dimmed the lights for him before lightly kissing his temple.

"Sleep tight, Underoos." Tony cooed softly as he left the sick boy in peace, closing the door behind him.

Tony spent the rest of the day on the couch, trying to take a little bit of time for himself, however all he could focus on was how he could hear Peter coughing from the next room.

"Poor thing." Tony muttered under his breath, looking over at the door which had remained closed for a solid two hours. He decided to get his ass off of the couch and went to the kitchen to make Peter some hot tea to soothe his throat, he just wanted to feel like he was being more helpful. At the Avenger's Compound there are many people around to help out, and during times like this Bruce tends to take over with most things healthcare. Tony felt like he could be doing a whole lot more, so tea was a step in the right direction. He gently carried the mug over to Peter's room, using the steadiest hand possible to avoid spilling any, also to avoid a spillage he forgot to knock before entering.

There he was, Peter sat up in bed with his nose deep in a textbook!

"Peter, stop learning!" Tony said feeling slightly annoyed, putting the mug down on the stack of textbooks that Peter had made on the bedside table. Some of the liquid actually spilling onto the book covers. That was a sentence Tony never thought he would have to say.

"Enough with the textbooks, studying can wait." Tony said as he forced the book out of Peter's hands and dropped it on the floor. Peter groaned and slumped back down against the pillows. Tony took a deep breath and calmed down before picking up the mug and giving Peter the tea he had prepared earlier.

"Here you go." He said, exchanging the mug over. Peter took a couple sips of the liquid, letting it soothe the burning sensation in his throat and warming him up from the inside out, letting out a sad whimper afterwards.

"What's the matter, Petey Pie?" Tony asked Peter, running a hand over his legs.

"M-My head hurts." Peter whimpered, deciding to close his eyes.

"Aww Pete, I think you've overworked yourself." Tony said, feeling bad that his child was in pain. He placed the mug back on the pile of textbooks before laying down next to him, massaging his head with his fingers.

"Mmm that *cough* feels really nice." Peter sighed, relaxing into his touch.

"Now you've learned that studying is bad for you." Tony joked.

"I knew it." Peter said, following along with it. Despite not being in the most laughy mood.

"I'll never read a *cough* book again for as long as I live." Peter said, Tony chuckled knowing that he was just exaggerating because of how crap he was feeling.

"I have no problem with you studying, but you know that there is a time and a place for all that bollocks." Tony said, deciding to use of of his many favourite swear words.

"Yeah, I know." Peter said, now nuzzling his face into his dad's chest, listening to his heart beating. Tony felt a warm fuzzy feeling inside, when Peter was little and got tired he would lay his head down on Tony's chest and fall asleep to the rhythm of his heartbeat, it made Tony's heart melt. He ran his hand through the teens fluffy brown curls to soothe him even more.

"You're a little cutie." Tony cooed softly, kissing Peter on the top of the head.

"I know." Peter whispered, he was already half asleep but managed to put on a weak smile.

"Don't dream about algebra!" Tony warned him, I don't care what anyone thinks. Sick or not, no one needs to dream about algebra!

Requests are open x

Tom Holland/Peter Parker SickficsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora