~ What Friends Are For ~

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Summary: Peter has to get through school, despite not feeling so good. At least Ned is there for him.

It was a request for mrs1e0va1dez , hope you like it. Sorry if it's a bit too wordy, I've only just started writing in the 3rd person instead of specific Povs.

"Oh Crap!" Peter said with a huff, that's Parker Luck for him, the moment he leaves to go on patrol the heavens open and the city of Queens is showered with rain. And on a rainy day, criminals get bored and decide to pull some tricks which meant it would be a wet and wild afternoon for the teenage web-slinger.

Peter could feel the strong pings of rain hit his face as he swung through the city, like little needles, chilling him to the bone. Yes, Mr Stark had put a top notch heater in his suit but Peter didn't know how to use it properly. Everytime he requested 'Karen, activate heater.' the heat would turn up full blast and burn him which felt a lot worse than raindrops in your face. It was not worth the burns.

However, since he was out on patrol for so long he was late for dinner with May and still had to find time to study for his history test tomorrow. He didn't even want to think about it, but Peter would have to think about his grades, he needed to keep them up so no one would get suspicious about his Spiderman identity. Peter managed to crawl up the side of the building until he reached his bedroom window that he left partially open should he be late, luckily his bedroom door was shut. He waddled in feeling the suit material rub painfully against his skin, he was cold and very tired. Peter had to pull the suit off with all his strength, it felt way tighter than usual. Peter changed into a warm sweatshirt and pyjama pants before walking into the kitchen, May waiting by the sink.

"There you are, I've been waiting for you." She said, sliding Peter's plate over. They were having spaghetti tonight, with some rich tomato sauce, parmesan cheese and garlic bread.

"Sorry, I was um...taking a nap." Peter said trying to come up with an excuse as he sat down at the table.

"Did you take that nap in the shower?" May asked suspiciously, referring to Peter's wet curls.

"Haha, I did take a shower but I fell asleep straight afterwards. These pyjamas are just so comfy and my bed was all warm." Peter said, telling May what he really wanted to happen to him right now. Sleep sounded good, a warm shower would feel like bliss and just being comfy would mean the world to him right now.

"Anyway, eat up. Have any plans for this evening?" May asked the teen who was currently trying to slurp up his noodles without splashing sauce over his face. That embarrassed him, made him feel like a five year old.

"Studying, got a history test tomorrow." Peter explained.

"Good luck for that, I'm sure you'll do great." May said, but that made Peter all the more nervous. He had a brilliant GPA which he had been able to maintain this semester despite the more rigorous training with Mr Stark. If this test went bad, if he got anything less than a B+ it would stick out so much, no pressure.

Peter finished his food and put his plate in the sink to wash it up, May was on the couch doing some work on her laptop. He rolled his head round in a great circle to stretch out his neck, feeling the satisfying cracks as the pressure was released. He had to hit the books now, otherwise he'd definitely fall asleep. Peter went over the the couch and leaned over his aunt's shoulder to kiss her cheek.

"Night Aunt May, I larb you." He said.

"Goodnight Petey Pie, but I larb you more!" May said, Peter giggled as he turned back to his room. He flopped down on his bed with his backpack, pulled out his history textbooks and opened them up. Also, an unopened bag of Chilli Heatwave Doritos that he bought from the British food shop (because apparently in America they don't have Chilli Heatwave Doritos even though they are the best flavour? Correct me if I'm wrong!) to snack on whilst he works, he has to feed his inner dragon, also known as a metabolism.

Tom Holland/Peter Parker SickficsWhere stories live. Discover now