~ I'm Gonna Burst! ~

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Summary: Peter is feeling pain equivalent to Satan in his belly, not a great sign for things to come.

Requested by Floranceze26

"Owie!" Peter whined as he leaned against the bathtub, clutching his abdomen as his tummy felt like a squirming bowl of spaghetti, and a disgusting round of vomit soon followed.

He slowly pulled himself up from the sink and gazed into the mirror. His pastey skin and red eyes wasn't a good look for him.

"Whyyy?" Peter whined as he leaned his head backwards, he didn't like feeling this way, it was so miserable.

The boy brushed his teeth to get the acidic taste from his mouth, something trying to grip its way out of his guts.

"Ughhh...my bellyyy!" Peter whimpered as the pain swelled up momentarily, he wanted to hurl.

And it was only half-past eight in the morning!

Peter dragged his weary bones out to the kitchen, Pepper was cooking breakfast and Tony was sat at the table reading a newspaper with a steaming cup of Joe.

*A cup of Jonah is good for my soul!

Peter didn't say anything, he just went up to his Mom and hugged her from behind. His arms wrapped around her shoulders and his face nuzzled into the crook of her neck.

"Woah, good morning Peter." Pepper said as she turned around to hug him properly, Peter didn't say anything but instead just squeezed tighter.

"Everything okay, Baby? Why so quiet?" She asked concerned as she ran a hand through his messy curls.

"F-Feel yucky." Peter whined as he looked up at her eyes.

In the Stark household, the word 'yucky' might as well be medical jargon as Peter has said that word throughout his life in the same situation every few months.

It could only mean one thing: they had a sick spider baby!

"Aww Sweetie, you got sick?" Pepper asked softly, Peter nodded slowly as a tear ran down his face. He just felt so upset.

"Aww Kiddo, you're going to be okay." Tony said as he got up from his seat, rubbing Peter's back. Pepper felt her son's forehead.

"You're so warm, Peter. You must not be feeling good." She said sympathetically as she rubbed his shoulder.

Peter wrapped his arms around his middle and leaned against his parents.

"How about we go lie down in our bed, have a movie day?" Pepper suggested, he nodded in response.

"I-I might need a bucket." Peter said, he felt ashamed and he didn't know why.

"That's okay, there's one right here under the sink." Tony said as he opened up the cabinet and pulled out your standard hard plastic bucket appropriately labelled 'Puke Bucket' which was located right next to the bleach and carpet cleaner.

"Come on, let's get you cosy." She said as she guided him through the halls to the bedrooms.

Pep and Tony had a MAHOOSIVE bed, one of the best purchases ever made by the Starks, literally all the avengers could pile onto it and have a sleepover if they wanted to.

Peter crawled into the centre with a grey chunky knit blankie, a stack of fluffy pillows behind his head, feeling a lot like a prawn all curled up.

"Honey, you can borrow my heating pad for a while." Pepper said as she plugged it in and nuzzled it against Peter's stomach.

"Thor drank all the ginger ale because he thought it was the alcoholic stuff, so I got you tea instead." Tony said as he came into the room, trying not to spill it on the carpet.

Tom Holland/Peter Parker SickficsWhere stories live. Discover now