~ Not Hungover, Just Sick ~

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Summary: Tom facetimes you from  Las Vegas when he's meant to be at a Stag Do, looking like he had a rough night.

And Tessa lives with you just because...

This was nice, cuddled up on the sofa with a cup of tea, a blanket over your legs and a staffie by you side. The only thing missing was my little Quackson.

Tessa whimpered her little doggie whimper and laid her chin on my lap, I scratched behind her ears and pouted sadly.

"I know, you're missing Tommy, aren't you pwincess?" I cooed in a baby voice, I always talk to dogs like this. I couldn't help myself.

"He'll be back Monday evening, not much longer to wait." I told her, I knew that it was only a few days without him which was nothing compared to the time in which he's out the country for work. But I always miss him.

I tried to take my mind off things by watching my favourite comedy show, getting in a few giggles that I didn't feel guilty for not sharing with Tom. Laughing together was the best, especially sober. Let's face it, we are both so awesome we don't need alcohol to make us hysterical...although when we are on the tipple things tend to get very interesting.

Suddenly, my facetime ringtone started playing on my phone. Tessa lifted up her head and observed my mobile buzzing frantically on the coffee table. Maybe it was Tom? I eagerly looked at the caller id and saw that it was in fact him, I didn't hesitate to accept his request.

I was blessed with his brown curls and sweet little face on my phone screen.

"Tommy! We miss you." I said bringing Tessa's face into view for him to see, he gave a week smile before groaning a little, rubbing his eyes before lying face down into his bed.

"Oh, rough night. I get it." I said, I should have expected him to be hungover. Tom was on a Stag Do for one of his friends so they all went to Vegas for the weekend.

"Mmm not hungover." Tom whined, his voice sounded raw and he kept moaning.

"You definitely look hungover." I told him, he had massive bags under his eyes and he looked quite dehydrated. His hair was a little sweaty too.

"Well I'm not, but I don't feel so good." He told me, that worried me, especially since he referenced infinity war.

"What's the matter, tell me." I asked him.

"Felt a little queasy on the plane, just thought it was a little travel sickness since there was quite a few turbulence, got to the hotel and just started feeling even more nauseous, went out to dinner with the guys, took one sip of my water and spent the rest of the night in the bathroom throwing up." He told me, that sounded horrible.

"Aww Darling, I'm so sorry. You should have called me sooner." I told him, I felt so bad for him.

"You would've been asleep, it would have been around three in the morning UK time." He told me, he was so thoughtful.

"I don't care about what time it is, you can always call me." I told him, I saw pain spread across his face and he buried him head down onto his pillow.

"You okay, Tommy?" I asked concerned.

"Stomach cramps, had them for the last few hours." He said sadly, gritting his teeth.

"That's not good, have you thought about taking some painkillers?" I asked him, he sounded like he needed them.

"I tried, just came back up again... Ugh, can you rub it?" Tom whimpered as he rolled over onto his back, bless him, he was in a lot of pain.

"That would be pretty hard considering I'm in England and you're in Vegas." I told him, if he were here right now I'd already be giving him belly rubs to try and make him feel better.

Tom snaked his arm around his abdomen and pouted sadly, I could tell he felt bad.

"I should imagine this is nothing like a Stag Do." I joked, trying to lift his spirits.

"We would have seen a show tonight, but I don't think I'll be able to make it. I haven't seen any of the guys yet." Tom told me, that sucked for him.

"None of them came to help you?" I asked, surely one of his mates would have the heart to go see if he was alright.

"They were too wasted to help me deal with my problems." He replied, that made me feel doubly bad.

"I just wanna go home." Tom whined, I noticed a tear roll down his face.

"Aww Tom, it's going to be okay." I said softly, trying to reassure him.

"Take a deep breath, now I want you to drink some water and have a little  something to eat, take a warm bath then go back to bed. You'll feel a lot better for it." I reccomend, the best I could do for him now was give him some advice to take care of himself.

"F-Fine, I'll go do that." Tom agreed.

"Listen, I have to walk Tess then start making dinner, but if you want to talk to me just call." I told him.

"Okay, love you Y/N." Tom said softly as he sat up slightly in his bed, hugging his blanket to his chest.

"Love you too, Tommy." I replied.

"Tell Tessa that I love her too." He added, I just put her back into the frame.

"Pwincess, I miss you so so so so much!" He cooed, instantly happier.

"It feels so great to be loved!" I joked, sounding jealous of their relationship.

"Shut up, I miss you more than anything." He said, that was better.

"Me too, hope you feel better. I'll definitely call tomorrow." I said before blowing him a kiss goodbye, he logged off and I put my phone back on the coffee table.

Poor little thing, he was so looking forward to his mate's Stag Do and now he has to spend it feeling crap.

I laid down I  my bed later that evening, allowing Tessa to lay beside me where Tom would normally sleep. I got a text from him.

From Tommy 🥐: Hey, the bath helped with the cramps. Still have a tummy-ache tho, but I feel a lot better than i did this morning ♥️ xxx

From Y/N 🥺: Aww I'm glad, have you eaten yet? Xxx

From Tommy 🥐: I ordered some chicken noodle soup from room service, didn't taste as nice as your soup. Yours is the best xxx

From Y/N 🥺: I appreciated the honesty 😂 let me know how you feel in the morning, the house is quiet without you here ♥️

From Tommy 🥐: I will, sleep well my Darling ♥️ xxx

From Y/N 🥺: You too, my little Quackson ♥️🥐

Tom came back from his trip on the Monday, his stomach still feeling a little sensitive, but better.

"Next time I go on a Stag Do abroad, you are definitely coming with me incase that happens again." Tom told me as we cuddled up on the sofa together with Tessa, the blanket over our legs and my hand gently tracing his six pack.

"Not your Stag Do, I hope. That defeats the whole objective of a Stag Do." I told him, his last night of freedom...from me.

"Luckily Harrison is very good at making soup." He answered, I'm in the clear now. Hopefully he never has to go through that again.

This one was just a quick one, I hope you liked it x

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I love you 3000 x

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