~ Ironman Pyjamas ~

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Summary: Mr Stark has to take care of Peter who doesn't feel so good. But at least he's wearing Ironman pyjamas.

Poor Peter, lying on the bottom bunk of his bed under numerous blankets, silently crying, he had been throwing up all night and was not feeling well at all. He felt nauseous, his stomach ached and his head was pounding. It was probably the stomach flu, it was going around the school, Ned went down with it last week.

May came into her nephew's bedroom with a puke bucket, a bottle of water and another blanket on her arm to make sure Peter didn't get cold. She didn't know about the spider bite yet, however fact that Peter couldn't thermoregulate was pretty obvious, but May just passed it off as feverish chills. She put the bucket on the floor and draped the blanket over the sick teen, the bottle of water on his desk.

"I'm sorry Peter, I can't stay with you." She said, running her hand through his hair. Peter whimpered and cocooned himself tighter, he felt very sorry for himself.

"Are you sure you don't want me to call Tony?" She asked him, Peter shook his head.

"No, I don't wanna bother him." Peter croaked out, his throat super raw from the vomiting. Mr Stark already helps him with so much, he didn't need to clean up his sick too.

"Okay, try and get some rest. Larb you, Peter." May said kissing her hand before pressing it to Peter's forehead, it was nothing personal it's just she didn't wanna get sick either.

"Larb you." Peter whispered, pulling the blanket over his mouth.

May left Peter's bedroom, closing the door behind her so that he wouldn't see her pull out her phone. Peter never said she couldn't call Happy.

"Happy Hogan speaking?" Happy said picking up his phone, she didn't have May in his contacts.

"This is May Parker, Peter's aunt. Just wondering if I could ask a favour from Mr Stark?" May asked politely.

"Hi May, fire away." Happy answered, he felt kinda proud that he was able to incorporate rhyme.

"Peter's home sick, I don't want to leave him alone, do you mind if he stays with you guys at the compound?" May asked.

"Sure, I can come pick him up. Mr Stark is in a meeting right now, I'm sure he'll be fine with it." Happy said.

"Thanks Happy, I'll call you once my shift is over." May said before hanging up. Straight away, Happy took the shower curtain from the guest bathroom to put over the back seats of the car.

Peter nuzzled his face into his pillow, too much light was coming in through the gap in the curtains. It was making his headache worse, thus making his nausea worse.

"Ugh, imma throw uuup!" Peter whined, he didn't need to throw up this very second, he just felt super sicky.

Suddenly, he heard the apartment door opening, making Peter flinch which slightly jolted his stomach. But he put that feeling behind him as fear flooded over him, May should be at work and she would've called ahead if she was coming home early.

Peter quickly grabbed his web shooter that was next to him on the floor, he shielded himself with the many blankets with the shooters poised for the door. Peter held his breath as he heard hard footsteps coming his way, what if it was a bad guy who was sent to kill him?

Wait, would a bad guy knock?

The door knob turned slowly, Peter curled up as he prepared for something scary, then the door opened.

"Aaaah! Please don't hurt me, I'm too young to die!" Peter screamed in panic, shooting web all over his door.

"Woah, Kid! It's me, it's Happy." He said coming out with his hands up in defence.

Tom Holland/Peter Parker SickficsWhere stories live. Discover now