~ Who Invented Shogun? ~

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Summary: Peter gets carsick during a road trip with the avengers.

This was a request by: sorry I couldn't remember the name! Lol, please let me know who requested this one!
Peter's Pov:

There are few things I hate in the world:
- celery
- mushrooms (except from Mario)
- bad guys
- hair in my mouth
- chafing
- and the person who invented the 'Shotgun' rule

Which sick, twisted man invented the shotgun rule for the front seat of the car?

I never call it in time, and considering I tend to get carsick on long journeys it's the worst! But I didn't want to tell my new besties, also known as the Avengers, about it incase it made me feel like a burden. They didn't need to cater to all my needs, they had to look after themselves from time to time.

When Scott suggested we take a road trip this summer to Niagara Falls, I was feeling pretty nervous, and it wasn't even that far when you think about it. But we had planned to spend the weekend at a nice spa hotel before the drive home. That sounded nice.

I packed a backpack with a couple changes of clothes, my swimming trunks and personal hygiene stuff. I remembered that I had some travel-sickness medicine which I kept in my pocket that I used to take before going on field trips. No one wants to be the kid that pukes on the bus!

I hadn't taken this medication since the spider bite, I was sceptical about whether it would work, but it was all I had so I quickly swallowed them down before meeting up in the common room with everyone else.

"Right, has everyone been to the bathroom? Make sure you've had a poo and a wee before we leave because we aren't stopping at every single gas station we pass!" Steve asked the group, I had already been to the bathroom so I was all good.

"Shotgun!" Tony announced as he came into the room with his massive suitcase, a new pair of shades covering his eyes.

"Dagnabbit!" I groaned, why did I wait to call shotgun? I tended to get less car sick when I was in the front seat, from their onwards you could feel every bump in the road.

"Sorry Underoos, nothing overrules the rules of shotgun." He said as he patted my shoulder.

"I'm driving!" Sam said as he dangled the keys in everyone's face.

"My car!" Mr Stark reminded everyone.

"It's not really a car, it's more of a minivan?" Scott corrected him, he had his travel pillow around his neck and his backpack on ready to go.

"You say potato." Mr Stark replied, such a statement.

"Let's get on the road!"

I was wedged in between the bug biceps of Thor and shoulder to shoulder with Natasha, Scott and Steve were chilling in the back with Bruce who had already fallen asleep.

"Hey I forgot, Quill sent me his mixtape if you want to listen to it." I said as I rummaged around in my bag, he heard about our trip and thought we could be better educated in music.

I leaned over and tried to pass the cassette tape to Mr Stark.

"Kid, what makes you believe I bought a car with a tape deck?" He asked me, I looked over at the stereo and there wasn't any place to put it.

"Oh...right." I said slightly disappointed.

"Do you have a playlist or something on your phone?" Sam suggested as he kept his eyes on the road.

"Y-Yeah, hang on a second." I said, I was hesitant to do this. Checking your phone in a car was practically suicide when it came to car-sickness. It wasn't ideal, but I must wanted to provide the much needed service of music.

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